CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk)
Play at Your Own Risk
Tiece Mickens
Copyright © 2010 Tiece Mickens
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without prior written consent of the publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 9780983359722
ISBN 10: 0-983359725
First Printing 2010
Library Congress of Control Number: on file
Printed in United States of America
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to the real locals are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents are entirely coincidental.
First and foremost, I’d like to thank God for allowing me to be the person that I am today and for the many blessings he has given me. He’s definitely been a huge inspiration in my life and without him nothing, for me, would be possible. I’m aware that the talents that I share with you in my writings are none other than a blessing from above. I am highly favored and for this and so much more that he’s done and continues to give me, I’m thankful.
I’d like to thank my son, Devin, for being so loving and hilarious. He truly is a blessing in my life. He’s the reason why I continued to stay focused on making my dreams come true, because this gives him a reason to want more out of life and will definitely inspire him to reach higher for his goals and be successful in whatever he wants. I’m sure along the way it’ll continuously be his duty to hug and kiss me and to make me laugh. I love you son!
I’d also like to thank my loving man, Leon, for continuing to be so supportive through the years and believing that one day I would be an author. He’s truly my number one fan and no matter what he’ll always have my back and if nothing else; I can count on that. I love the relationship that we share and know that things will only get better as time goes on. Love ya, babe!
To my supporting family; you know I couldn’t leave you all out. My Grandmother/Mother Mrs. Mittie C. Bray, I love you dearly and thanks for being here over the years. The talks and laughs that we continue to share mean so much and I love you for your support. To my Mama, Mrs. Janice C. Holmes, thanks for being a listening ear and continuing to believe in me, I love you. To my siblings, Terica, Qwan,(Manquel) Chundra, Diandre, Donald Jr,(Beverly) James,(Keidra) and Jermaine, I thank you all for keeping me laughing and for sometimes being a pain in my ass, but I’ma let y’all have that lil bit. I love y’all very much! To Deldra L,(sis) LaTonia G,(sis) Danyetta B,(sis) Tony E,(bruh) and Montonette B(sis); I couldn’t ask for a closer relationship than the one I share with you all. We may not talk on a daily basis and sometimes we don’t see each other for months, but we can pick right up where we left off and that’s how you know that what we share is real. Real is always gonna recognize real; no matter what. I love y’all. To my beautiful aunts who are like my sisters. Thank you for listening when I need someone to share my troubles and joys with. Jennifer H, Sara W, and Judy R. We couldn’t be any closer. Sandy J and Jean A, Linda M, Shirley R. I love y’all much. To my uncles, I love each and every one of you, however, Craig C, my nigga for life! I don’t think people realize that we’re double the trouble and we enjoy every minute of it.. I love you babe! To all of my cousins; I just wanna say I thank all of y’all and especially Brittany B, Donna C, Shaylon M, Eurcyla R, Kenya D, Demetria R W, Raylon B, Sean C, Fran C, Candy M, Shonda M, Nicole M, Rhonda H R, and Ronald C Jr. We may not be in each other’s presence often but it’s still much love and respect there. And, to my funny nieces and nephews;
To Mrs. Barbara Stewart, for being so sweet and inviting. I love your sense of humor and our relationship. Love ya.
To Miss Rhonda Crowder, my editor, I thank you for believing in me from the very beginning and editing my book. To Miss Venesha Hope, I thank you for supporting me with your wise words of wisdom and looking out for me whenever I call and need to talk to you.
To Mario Patterson, the magic man behind my book cover, I thank you for believing in me a long time ago. I also thank you for pushing me to do better and making sure that I stay on point. Thank you so much. To the lovely Ava Pittman for allowing me to use your picture on the cover and to Mr. Anonymous ‘eight pack’ it’s because of you that so many women will buy my book. Thanks
To Zacheous Miles, who set up my ‘Tiece Book Stuff’ Facebook Fan page and for assisting me in whatever I ask of you, thank you much. To Halima B and Terry; thanks for keeping it real. To Darrell Smith; thanks for the kind and encouraging words. You rock!
To my back in the day/neighborhood friends, the Pecan Orchid Posse; LOL, y’all know I couldn’t leave y’all out. To Sharlette W. you’re still my girl. To Tiffany I, and Tasha I. W, we’re always gonna go way back. Jacinta D, and Tanisha H, my high school buddies! Sanora H, my distant homey.
To my Myspace/Facebook Friends and Fans, thanks for your support. To Miss Monique, the first lady and to the; Sylvia E, Tonya A, Katherine H, NaTasha T, and Zanetta L; Hootie Hoooooo! LOL Lets’ not forget ‘bout Gerome P, holding it down. I’d also like to specially thank LaTrell Williams and John Cratic for the support they’ve shown me and to, the one and only, Helen Blocker Adams for giving me my first radio interview. To everybody else I thank you too if you’ve supported me and if I left anybody out; please understand that it was never my intention to. Thanks to my T-Mobile crew; LeKeisha P, Shayla C, Keisha M, Keysha L, Caronica B, Kalilah R, Tonii R, and Sac B. I write to entertain and I hope you all enjoy. There is definitely more to come. *Deuces*
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter One
Candy finished the last few braids in her best friend’s hair as they sat on the front porch gossiping while the children ran past them playing tag. Mona sighed, and then felt her head to see how much more hair Candy had left to braid.
“Would you keep your hands out your head please?”
Mona smacked her lips. “Damn Candy! Gurl, you got some hard ass hands.”
Candy shook her head. “Well, Mona, I’m being as gentle as I could possibly be braiding in this tender ass head of yours.”
“Can you please just ease up a bit? This shit hurts. My eyes are tight and I’m starting to get a banging headache.” She felt in her head again only to get popped on the back of her hand. “Ouch!” She said causing Candy to grin. “How much longer you got, anyway?”
“Gracious girl, I’m almost done. So, stop whining and be still. It’s already hot as hell out here and you ain’t making it any better with all that squirming and shit.” Mona sighed, ready for it to be over as she smacked on her strawberry bubble gum and closed her eyes tightly to ease the pain.
Candy swat her hand at the mosquito’s that seemed to keep annoying the hell out of her then picked up another piece of weave to braid it in with Mona’s hair.
“What did you think? It’s the end of June and it’s been hot like this f
or quite some time now. It just don’t seem like us Augusta folk are going to ever get any rain over this way, and I’m mad as hell that mama ain’t got the air conditioner fixed yet,” Mona stated then instantly hit her leg while killing a mosquito that landed on her.
Candy frowned immediately after seeing a speck of blood left on Mona’s hand from killing the mosquito. “Damn, Mo, you need to wash your hands,” she stated.
“Oh hush Candy, before I wipe this shit on you,” she joked, just as she glanced upward and pointed. “Look at old ugly ass Rena and Shay over there walking up and down the block like somebody really wanna see them.”
“Don’t nobody want them gutter gurls. Look how they dress. Rena might as well have on a two piece bathing suit. Shit, ain’t no pool in this complex, honey.” Candy popped her gum and blew out a bubble. “And, Shay already knows that if her mama catches her dressing like that she’ll beat her ass out here.” She rolled her eyes and continued. “Let’m keep walking on by, but Rena better not even think about looking this way. I know she wanna look trying to act like they got a serious conversation going on. Monty ain’t here, boo!” Candy yelled out as Rena and Shay looked over their way then pretended not to hear her as they carried on.
“Gul hush with your crazy ass!” Mona stated as she slapped Candy on the leg. Rena and Shay continued walking down the street as if nothing happened or was said.
“I know she used to fuck around with your brother. She’s an old dirty bitch and a project chick and she’ll always be a project chick. I hate y’all moved down here in the bottom, and moreso, because she lives down here too. I just wished that y’all never had to move,” Candy stated as she smacked her gum while rolling her eyes.
Mona fanned in the air, wishing for a cool breeze to blow her way. “That’s why I wish my daddy was still alive. We’d still be living right across the street from each other.”
“I’ll be glad when your mama gets that air condition fixed, because it’s hotter in there than it is out here. When I walked in there today, I felt like I was inside an oven. I had to hurry up and come back outside because chile I’m already black enough. I don’t need to cook no more. Why do you think it looks like you done been lying in a tanning bed with your lil’ hot, red ass?” Candy asked then laughed out loud.
“Gurl, I’ve definitely been in a tanning bed that’s called Mona’s Crib of Pain. That means, it’s in my crib, in my bed, and I’m in pain from the heat that’s cooking me,” Mona said, giving Candy high-five. “It’s very hard to sleep in conditions like that.”
“I know that’s right, chile. By the way, where is your fine ass brother?” Candy asked while continuing to braid the last of Mona’s hair.
Mona shrugged her shoulders. “No telling. Your guess is as good as mine, but knowing Monty, he’s probably over to Karen’s house gettn’ it in,” she replied.
“He’s still fucking with that hood rat?” Candy irritably asked. “She ain’t no good for him. She’s still in love with her crazy ass baby daddy. What’s up with that shit? I thought he had left that skank alone.” She huffed. “I just seen her in BiLo with ole big ass Bruce, acting like they all married and shit.”
“Well, you know how that shit is. I believe she just be acting like she all in love with Bruce because he got mad paper and is her baby’s daddy, but that nigga is big and ugly. She ain’t worried about his big ass like that. She is certainly feeling my brother though, because she’s always speaking to me now and calling our crib boldly asking for him. She even picked him up the other night in Bruce’s car,” Mona said, smiling.
“I know you ain’t talking about his Lexus?” Candy asked in disbelief.
“Yep! That would be the one,” Mona responded just as Candy finished the last braid in her hair.
Candy stood up and propped her hand on her hip. “Damn, he just got that car. Karen better be careful because if she gets my man hurt, then I’ma kick her ass.”
Mona shook her head. “Gurl, please! You know Monty is always saying you’re too young for him. He’s twenty-three years old.” She reminded her then stood up and stretched her arms out feeling relieved that her designer braids were finally done.
“So, and I’ll be eighteen in about two months. He ain’t too old for me, so stop saying that shit.”
“Well, tell Monty that shit because he’s the one that’s always throwing up the age difference in your face. I don’t really care how old you are or him either for that matter,” Mona stated, as she playfully rolled her eyes at Candy.
“Yeah, well I ain’t giving up until he notices me the way I want him to,” Candy replied. “Where is the broom at so that I can sweep this hair off of your porch before your Mrs. Cat comes home trippin’?”
“It’s in the house.” Mona answered.
“Well, I ain’t going back in that oven. That’s suicide. One sin that I ain’t about to commit.” Candy laughed.
“Fine, I’ll go get it myself. Plus, I need to wash my hands anyway.” Mona walked inside the house as the heavy screen door unintentionally slammed shut behind her.
Candy sat back down in the chair and waited for Mona to come back out of the crib. “Whew! It’s hot as hell out this door. I think I’ma have to go home for a while and cool off,” she spoke to herself just as Mona rejoined her.
“I would go with you, but your mama is too strict, ya know? I ain’t got time for that shit today. It’s too hot and she’s too mean.”
“She do be trippin’, but seriously, she’s not that mean. You just gotta be around her all the time. I know if I go home, she’ll probably make me stay in and that’s why I’d rather stay out here in the heat. At least I’m free and I might just get a chance to see my man today,” Candy said just as John Thomas, aka Heavy, ran from behind the building yelling.
“Mona! Your brother and Bruce ‘bout to fight ‘round the corner! Bruce done jumped out his car and fronted on him about Karen!”
“What?” Mona yelled out. She and Candy took off running around the corner to see what was going on.
“Nigga, fuck that shit! If you wanna do something then do it,” Monty said, as Big Bruce stood in his face, ready to explode.
“Nigga, you don’t know who you fucking with! You betta stay the fuck out of my house or I’ma beat your ass! I heard you been creeping in and out where I pay the fucking bills at and that shit gone stop today!”
“How the fuck you figure, nigga? Your ole lady is the one inviting me over every time your bitch ass leaves. What? You ain’t handling your business at home, nigga? Got your girl sucking on my dick and shit,” Monty confirmed, just as Mona and Candy appeared.
Bruce raised his fist back to hit Monty, but Candy jumped right in front of him and told Big Bruce to leave. “Why is your old ass out here clowning over some skanky ass whore that’s young enough to be one of your daughters, anyway? What’s up with that shit?” Candy asked, as she stood up to Big Bruce like she was a man.
“Hey, you’re not going to disrespect my son’s mother like that in my face. No matter what she does, you and nobody else are gonna dis her like that. You betta go sit your lil’ ass down somewhere if you know what’s good for you,” Big Bruce huffed, and then pushed Candy out of the way.
His actions really pissed Monty off. “Candy, you and Mona go back to the crib. I can handle this nigga just fine on my own.” He stood there, unafraid of Big Bruce and his threats.
“We ain’t leaving you here to fight this big, black ass, wannabe thug by yourself. I’ll hit his ass with this broom.” Mona held the broom in her hand, ready to swing it at any moment.
“I’ma call the police on y’all!” Mrs. Hall yelled out from her apartment door. “Just stand right out there with that shit if ya’ll don’t believe me!”
“Look here, Monty. I’ve always respected your old man because he was one of the realest men I knew around here, but I will knock your lil’ young ass out if I ever hear you were in my house again. I mean it, man! I mean it!” Big Bruce pointed his finger in M
onty’s face, and then opened up his car door to leave the scene before any police arrived.
“Just get in your car and leave!” Candy yelled out as Big Bruce hurriedly headed for his car. “You know your ass is dirty anyway. I know you wouldn’t want that trouble, would you?”
“Alright shawty, I’d hate to smack your lil’ young ass for playing with grown folk,” Big Bruce stated as he mean mugged Candy and Monty, and then sped off down the street in his red hot, convertible Lexus.
“You need to be smacking Karen’s ol’ whorish ass.” Candy stated as if she was still in Big Bruce’s face. “What kind of thug drives a candy apple colored convertible that’s too little for him, anyway?” She giggled. “You have got to be kidding me.”
Monty looked over at Candy and angrily shook his head. “Oh shut up, gurl. You talk too much and I don’t need you and my sister to come to my rescue. I can hold my own.”
Mona popped her lips. “Boy, please. Big Bruce would have whoopped your ass like you stole something. He stands a whole foot taller than you, and you already six feet. Anyway, let’s go home and chill out before mama make it there,” she suggested, as they all walked off.
“Monty, when are you going to leave them old skanky ass tramps alone and get with a real woman?” Candy asked as she walked beside Monty.
He looked over at her sideways. “Go sit your hot ass down somewhere. I can’t be kicking it with you. You’re my sister’s best friend. I’ve seen your face just as much as I’ve seen hers over the years. That ain’t gonna happen. So, leave it alone will you?”
“Chile boo.” She said clearly not paying him any attention. “You’ll wake up and smell the coffee one day. I’m your soul mate. You just can’t see it yet.”
“Whatever, Candy. You’ve been saying that shit for a real long time now till you done started believing it too, huh?” Mona chimed in as she hit her best friend on the shoulder.