CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk) Read online

Page 14

  Monty heard Mona and Rico walk into Candy’s house and eased Candy’s head off of his chest to quietly get out of the bed. He met them in the entertainment room.

  “Shhh. Candy is finally resting. I’m not going to wake her.”

  “I’m glad she’s getting some sleep. She’s been through a lot today. Here is y’all food,” said Mona as she handed Monty a bag and sat down. Rico sat beside her.

  “It’s all kinds of talk going around about what happened,” Rico stated before he bit into his chicken sandwich.

  “Yeah, I bet. This shit is crazy. We was just sitting around at our house talking about it when mom ran in the living room telling us to turn the channel to the news,” said Monty. He took his fries out and put ketchup on them.

  “Mona, didn’t Candy say that Ebony had an abortion a few weeks ago?” Monty asked out of curiosity as he ate.

  “Yeah, she did. But, when we seen Ebony she was still pregnant, and I mean big and pregnant. I’ve just figured Will must have been lying and his lies caught up to him between the time Candy left to come over our house until Nancy shot him. I just wonder how it all went down?” Mona asked in disbelief.

  “Well, Candy will find out when her mom is able to call her. I just hate to see her going through this.”

  “Mom called Linda when we went into the house and she is coming here early in the morning. She just can’t believe her brother is dead. She says she has to get her nerves together before she gets on the road. She’s gonna make all the other calls to the family and come home to make the funeral arrangements with Candy.”

  “Well, that’s good. She needs to be surrounded by family who loves her and knows what she’s going through.” Monty took out his chicken sandwich and bit it. “I haven’t eaten all day.” Candy walked in the entertainment room and Monty stood. “Oh, baby. You were sleeping so peaceful, I didn’t want to wake you, but Mona bought you something to eat. Are you hungry?”

  “Naw. I’m just not in the mood to eat.”

  “Candy, you gotta eat something,” said Mona as she walked over and handed Candy her chicken sandwich.

  “No, Mo, I’m serious. I’m just not hungry.”

  “Alright, well let’s go in your room and lay down. I’ll get you two sleeping pills and that’ll help you relax and get some rest.”

  “Yeah, that’s not a bad idea, babe. I’ll be sitting in here talking to Rico. I’m not leaving you, though. If you need me, just call my name.”

  Candy turned and walked down the hallway to her room as Mona followed her. Monty looked over at Rico as he felt bad for her. He dropped his head and shook it from side to side.

  The next morning, Monty woke up on the sectional. He got up and stretched his arms out. He looked around, noticing his surroundings. “Damn, I’m still at Candy’s house. I almost forgot about yesterday.” He got up and walked down the hallway into Candy’s room. She and Mona were snuggled under the cover and Monty could see the closeness they shared. He was glad Mona could be there for her, too. He began to shake Candy to wake her up. Candy rose and looked into Monty’s eyes. “Wake up, sleepy head. How are you feeling?”

  “All I can say is that today is another day,” said Candy as she began to get out of bed. Mona still was sound asleep.

  “Well, babe, Mona is here with you and I need to go to the house for a little while. I will be back over. But, if you need me before then, just call me.”

  “Okay, I’m going to go in here and take a shower. I need the water to just run over my face while I try to wrap my brain around what happened yesterday.”

  “Make sure you eat something. If you don’t, you might get sick.”

  “I will, babe. Go on home and call me later.” Candy kissed Monty on the lips.

  The doorbell rang as Monty was about to leave. He and Candy walked toward it as Linda used the spare key and walked in. She spoke to Monty, and then hugged Candy around the neck. Her nose was red and her eyes were puffy from crying. Monty walked on out to his car to let them have their alone time.

  “Hey, baby girl. How are you feeling?” Linda asked as she looked into Candy’s eyes.

  “I feel better to see you here.”

  “I’m so sorry I didn’t come yesterday, but I had to get myself together. I couldn’t drive because I was too hurt. I’m still hurt about my brother and your mother because she didn’t ask for this no more than he did.”

  “What do you mean, Aunt Linda?” Candy asked out of curiosity.

  “Well, I’m not sure if you knew about the affair your dad was having with the widower.”

  “Yeah, I knew all about it. Mom was explaining the whole affair to me yesterday, right down to Ebony being pregnant by daddy and having an abortion a few weeks ago. That’s why this is so strange to me. When I left her, she was about to lie down and rest while daddy was over to Don’s house. The next thing I know, they’re both on the news.”

  “Well, I can give you a little clarity,” said Linda as she sat down. “Have a seat, honey. You’re gonna need it. I assume that you haven’t spoken to your mom, yet?”

  “No, they wouldn’t let me talk to her, but she should call home today.”

  “Well, that’s good.” Linda paused. ”Don’t be upset with her. Even though Will is my brother, I understand why she did what she did now.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I got a call from Ebony last night. She got my number out of your father’s phone. He apparently had it when he was over to her house during the incident. She stated that she didn’t mean for any of this to happen and it wouldn’t have if she hadn’t called your mom. She said she didn’t mean any harm, but Will wasn’t being honest with her or Nancy, and she thought Nancy should know the truth. She just never thought Nancy would have taken the news as hard as she did. She explained that after she called here your mama went over to her house only to find Will there. To make things worse, she’s still pregnant. Will had been lying about Ebony having an abortion. But, really, the home wrecker was about to have their baby anytime now.” Candy shook her head in disbelief. “He had me fooled, too, when he came to Atlanta to beg for your mama’s forgiveness. Ebony informed me that Will wanted her to move back to Jamaica so y’all would never find out and he would still take care of her and the baby boy.”

  “It’s a boy, huh?” Candy became teary eyed that her father could be so secretive and hurt so many people. She just couldn’t believe how he had all of them fooled. She jumped up and grabbed the phone to look through the caller ID. Sure enough, she saw Ebony Temple. “That’s what happened. I knew something had to set mama off.” She looked over at Linda. “Aunt Linda, she was too calm when I left her here yesterday.”

  “Yeah, well that’s what it was. I told Ebony that she was wrong for calling your mama. She better be thanking God that she’s still alive. Oh yeah, that picture of Will shown on the TV was taken in her home. I was shocked that she’d even give the police that picture, knowing she was just the other woman. She says they had been together for three years. Can you believe it? I just don’t know what to believe anymore. I did tell her that we’re having a blood test done when the baby is born. She acted like she didn’t care, but I’m definitely going to do that.”

  “You better, Aunt Linda, and if that baby ain’t daddy’s, she better hope I don’t find her and beat her ass myself because she started this mess. Even though daddy wasn’t being truthful, she still knew what she was doing by messing around with a married man.”

  “Yeah, she didn’t care about that. She even cried over the phone, acting like he meant so much to her. I just don’t know what to believe. But, I know your mama wasn’t in any kind of condition to deal with all of that at one time. Ebony says she’s moving back home when she have the baby, though. She’s not even staying in her house. She’s in a hotel downtown. She wouldn’t tell me where.”

  “She better be glad she didn’t or I would go there and beat that baby out of her.”

  “Just calm down, baby girl. You’re
acting like me now. I wanna meet this bitch just to see who she really is. This bitch got my brother killed. I miss him so much,” Linda stated, then began to cry. Candy became the strong one.

  “I just can’t wait until this weekend to see mama.”

  “I’m coming with you. I need to see her, too. I hope she doesn’t think I’m upset with her because I could never be. There is no doubt that she’ll be able to confirm this woman’s story.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Monty pulled up to the curbstone, and then got out of his car. A week had passed and he had just witnessed his queen’s father being buried. He went home to clear his thoughts because it brought back so many memories of his father’s funeral. Candy did better than expected, and was surrounded at her home by family members. He got out of his car and walked in the house.

  “Hey, Monty, how is Candy doing?” Catherine asked. ”It was real nice of you to give such support to her during and after her father’s funeral. You really showed me you’ve grown up to become a good hearted, decent man. I’m proud of you for that. But, wasn’t that something how Ebony showed up to the funeral escorted by the police?”

  “Yeah, dey say that she felt threatened for her life.” He sat down on the sofa by her and rested his head back.

  “She’s just full of shit is all. I just couldn’t believe the homewrecker had the nerve to show up there. She really made a scene while falling all out over Will’s dead body. The people across town could hear her screaming as the police walked her back out of the church. Thank God Nancy couldn’t be there to witness that charade. I just can’t believe she’d have the nerve to do that.”

  “Well, that ain’t all she had the nerve to do. When she left the church, Linda got a phone call from Ebony’s sister saying that she went into labor and was having the baby.”

  “What! You have gotta be kidding me. How is Candy doing after all that drama that happened today?”

  “Well, Linda and the family are with her now,” he responded. She’s not leaving for another week. She doesn’t wanna leave Candy yet and is determined to have that blood test done on the baby before she leaves here. Candy has been very sick ever since this whole incident happened and she’s not eating or anything right now. She and Linda are going back and forth with each other about Candy moving to Atlanta with her for a few months until school starts, but Candy just wants to stay at her own house. She’s even decided to go to Virginia College right here in town. She loves being close enough to visit her mama on the weekends,” said Monty. He seemed tired.

  “So, that house belongs to Candy as long as they’re keeping Nancy locked down?”

  “Yeah, it’s hers now. Her mama show ain’t got nothing to say about it. The state ain’t showing her any slack and Ebony isn’t making it any better by constantly reporting to them, making sure she stays in there,” said Monty as he yawned.

  “I still can’t believe it. I feel so bad for Nancy. I’m going to go visit her as soon as I can. She needs all the support she can get. I knew Will was screwing around on, her but didn’t know things would go this far. I gotta wonder, though, if that baby is his. That shit still puzzles me, ya know?” said Catherine as she rubbed the side of Monty’s hairline.

  “Yeah, it’s still shocking to all of us, but we’ll find out soon enough,” said Monty.

  “I’m one of the ones that can’t wait, either. Well, son, how do you really feel about Candy?” Catherine changed the subject. “I know you gotta like her a lot because of how you’ve been treating her and staying by her side. I’m glad she had you around, because if you weren’t there for her, she wouldn’t have been able to take it. That poor girl made me cry when she hollered out in church like that. She cried out for her daddy just like Mona did at y’all daddy’s funeral. I felt something go all over me. That shit hit me hard, because it seemed just like yesterday when I was feeling the same way. I ain’t been the same since,” said Catherine. She began choking up as she shook her head from side to side.

  Catherine peered over at Monty since the look on his face told her he didn’t want to continue talking about that subject, so she continued to pry in his life. “I’m your mama and I know that it’s hard for you to settle down. So, what’s the deal between you two?” She was now trying to be nosy on the sly.

  “Mama, there is nothing that you need to be concerned about. We have a real cool relationship. I ain’t gonna lie to you, I like her, a lot! She’s a good girl and she’s down for me. Let’s just say, we have a clear understanding of how things work between us and I like it like that.” I hope that it stays that way, Monty thought.

  “Well, I’ve always known that Candy had a thang for you. I’m glad you at least waited until she was of age before you caught a thang for her. Monty, you can’t hurt her, though. I don’t know if she could take it. So, whatever you two got going on, I hope it’ll work out for y’all. I really wouldn’t want to see Candy hurt again because you’re not ready for whatever she’s hoping to gain out of this relationship. Or, shall I say, arrangement you two have.”

  “Don’t worry. I got this and it’s all good,” Monty said just as his phone beeped. He looked down and read his text message.

  When am I going 2 c u? Jay

  Damn, I need to go see Janet right quick. Burke County is only twenty minutes away. I’ve been too busy hanging around Candy trying to make sure she’s been alright. I don’t know what the deal is, but I gotta get it together and continue making this paper. I ain’t seen nobody in a whole week. That ain’t good for my business. I bet I done missed out on six grand plus some, Monty thought as he returned the text message.

  How does 30 min. sound? Mo Money

  I’ll B waiting… Jay

  “Well, Mama, I gotta go change.” Monty got up and walked to his bedroom as he put on a white tee and a pair of jeans. He quickly put on his white Air Force Ones and hurried out the door.

  “Damn, Monty, you just got here,” Catherine replied.

  “Yeah, and I just gotta go, too. I got things to do.” He opened up the door and walked out while slamming the screen door behind him.

  “You need to get some rest. I know you’re tired. It’s gonna come down on you if you don’t watch yourself,” Catherine hollered out in concern for Monty’s well being.

  “I’ll be alright, Mama. I’ll be back later.” He got in his car and pulled off.

  Should I call her and tell her I’m about to handle some business or should I wait until later? he wondered. Maybe I’ll just wait until later. I hope she doesn’t call me while I’m over to Janet’s crib. I don’t know if I could tell her I’m with another chick, knowing she’s still grieving her dad. I feel my mama dearest and I don’t want to hurt her. I know we got an understanding, but I don’t know how strong Candy really is. She could be acting hard about what I do. But, inside it could really be hurting her. I’ll just tell her the truth if she asks. If she doesn’t, then I ain’t saying nothing. I’d just hate to lie to her being that we supposed to have this little understanding and all.

  Monty tried to forget about explaining anything to Candy, and then figured he needed to not worry about her because he had to get his mind right for Janet, who he hadn’t seen in several weeks.

  Maybe this is what I need to get my head back in the game. I’ve been so consumed with taking care of Candy until I’ve almost wanted to forget about my extracurricular activities. Candy’s a smart female. She has truly been keeping a nigga straight in that field. I damn show can’t complain about it because it’s the best and it’s definitely the rarest freshwater pearl I got on board.

  Monty began feeling the sexual urge to be with Janet. He started missing the action all his pawns gave him and wanted it all back. He thought each one had a different way of enticing him to have sex, and that was what turned him on about them. And, he liked knowing that he ran the show. He enjoyed it when they begged for him to come over or upped the price because they wanted to see him so bad. He enjoyed the kinky, freaky
, sexual stimulation that they brought to the table and he got horny thinking about it, despite getting his freak on with Candy since day break.

  Candy got it all, his love, affection, and all his sexual fantasies. Monty couldn’t let that go for anyone, but he wasn’t about to stop making money and missing out on the action he craved for, either. He pulled up in Janet’s driveway, smiling as he got out of the car.

  Janet opened the door just as Monty walked up her porch steps. She stood there smiling, looking like a beauty queen. He walked in and she gave him a big hug.

  Damn, I miss this shit, Monty thought.

  “Here you go,” Janet said as she put the money in Monty’s deep pockets. “I put a lil’ extra something in there for you.”

  “That’s cool.” Monty checked out Janet from head to toe just as he received a text message. He looked down at his phone quickly.

  I really want 2 c u. Hit me back ASAP... Sassy

  Monty looked back up at Janet and smiled as if the text message was unimportant. Damn, she’s looking good! Monty thought. “I can’t help but notice the red bikini you’re wearing. Don’t get me wrong, that shit is looking good, but what’s up with that?” Monty asked, curious to know what Janet had planned.

  “Well, let’s just say, I hope you’re energized for me because it’s been damn near a month and some change since I last saw you. I have a lot of making up to do. And, you do, too.”

  “Yeah, well, I figured you were out of town with your boyfriend. You know how he tries to keep you on lock in key, but who can blame him? Look at you.” Monty flashed his pearly whites.

  “You know how he can’t make a move without me going with him. But, I lied this time and told him my sister was coming to stay with me for two weeks. I couldn’t go with him on his promotional book tour. It’s funny how he’s always surrounded by hundreds of groupies and beautiful women, but still don’t want to leave me behind.” Janet grabbed Monty’s hand. “You still looking good, Monty. I always think about the way you hold me close to you and fuck me the way I want you to. That’s probably one of the main reasons why I think about riding this dick every day.” Janet patted Monty’s dick and pulled him to the back door. She opened it up and walked him outside by the pool. “Come on! Get naked and join me. No one can see us through our eight foot private fencing.” Janet kissed Monty on his neck, then turned around and dove in the pool. He stood there as he watched her swimming around like a seductive mermaid. She winked her eye at him, telling him to get in.