CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk) Page 17
Linda checked up on Candy at least once a month and made sure Candy didn’t want for anything. Linda had made two trips to Jamaica to see her nephew. He reminded her so much of Will and even looked just like Candy when she was a baby. She never talked about her visits with Candy because it was still a sensitive subject and she didn’t want to upset her. She was also happily waiting on the arrival of her great niece or nephew.
“Hey, Ma, what’s up?” Monty asked as he rubbed on Candy's stomach.
“Hey, babe, I’m just chilling. I was just about to leave to go see Mama and get something to eat.” Candy smiled at Monty, who was still kissing on her.
“She’ll be happy to see you. I’m glad she didn’t flip out when you told her you were pregnant,” Monty said, and then sat down in the front area. Candy walked over and stood between his legs.
“She’s been okay with me being pregnant. She wasn’t as surprised, either, to know the baby is yours. She’s just glad I’ve graduated from high school and I’m at least eighteen. And, as long as I’m gonna continue the path of going to college and making a career for myself, then she’s satisfied. She just wishes she could be home to be with us. You must know how she felt to not be able to have any more children, but now I’m having her grandbaby and she can’t completely share my joy.”
“Well, hopefully she’ll be out soon enough,” Monty said as he continued to palm Candy’s lil' belly.
“I don’t know, babe. This is a difficult one because people are looking at this like she killed her husband in a pregnant woman’s house while holding them hostage at gunpoint. The state ain’t trying to cut her any slack, but I guess time will tell.”
“Yeah, you never know. At least she’s alright and is getting better by the days.” Monty changed the subject. “What are you going to get to eat?”
“I think I’m going to Subway. I’m not sure just yet. You know how I am.”
“Yeah, you’re liable to come back with Subway and Burger King. It trips me out to see you eat all that food and it doesn’t go anywhere but to your hips. Look at that lil’ belly.” Monty rubbed her stomach. “If I didn’t know you were pregnant, then I wouldn’t be able to tell it.”
“The doctor says we’re fine and she said that I’m just all baby. Maybe I’ll get bigger right before I have him,” said Candy. “Will you still be attracted to me then?”
“Hell yeah! It turns me on to know you’re carrying my son inside of you. I get excited every time I see you walk in a room because you make me feel like that,” Monty stated just as he received a text message.
We’re gonna start decorating in 2hrs. I need u 2 stop by and tell us if u like it… Cat
Alright… Mo Money
That’s at 7 just in case u dont know… Cat
I gotcha… Mo Money
“It’s my moms reminding me that they’re decorating the Touch of Class around seven this evening. They want me to stop by to make sure I like it,” Monty continued while looking at Candy, who was always glowing with beauty.
“I don’t know why you wouldn’t let me help them decorate it. It is, of course, my baby daddy’s birthday party/New Years get together. You know special people are born on that day. I hope that you enjoyed that lil' pre-birthday gift I had for you earlier this morning, too.”
“I enjoy anything you do to and for me, and you really was cute with your little birthday suit on this morning. I got the birthday hat that you wore sitting on the passenger seat of my whip, so every time I see it, I think about your butt naked behind wearing nothing but that.” Monty smiled as he thought about how they got down earlier that morning.
“What is your New Year’s resolution, anyway?” Candy asked, hoping he’d leave his pawns alone because they were the main reason why they couldn’t have a real relationship.
“I haven’t really thought about it, yet. I do know I’m going to take care of you and our baby no matter what goes down this year.” Monty laid his head back on the sofa.
“I hope that means settling down and leaving them straggly looking women of yours alone,” Candy said with her hand on her hip.
“Come on, baby, you said you weren’t going to start that shit today. Please, don’t ruin my mood before my big night.”
“Monty, I’m not trying to ruin your mood. But, we have enough money to just chill out. You are the one who keeps accumulating more things to have to pay for,” Candy commented.
“Well, I’ve paid for my sister’s second year tuition. I continue to help my mama pay for her $1300 mortgage. I got a Tahoe so I’ll have enough room for you and the baby. And, even though that’s paid for, you know I got most of that money back off of the insurance check from the accident.”
“Uh huh, whatever,” said Candy as she was uninterested in his excuses.
“I had one of the rooms in here decorated for my boy and he has his own room with the full shebang at my crib, too. I’m still putting money aside to someday start my own business, and I take care of you and your needs. So, why in the hell are you complaining?” Monty spewed as he was apparently becoming frustrated with Candy’s questions and attitude.
“Monty, that’s just it. The baby doesn’t need two rooms.” Candy became upset. “You don’t even have to take care of me. I can very well take care of myself. You do those things because you want to, not because you have to.”
“Is it the baby?” Monty asked sarcastically. “Does the baby have you with these shitty attitudes lately? Because, before getting pregnant you were down for your man. But now, you’re starting to trip and shit. What’s up with that?”
“It ain’t nothing up with that. But, don’t you wanna move out from with your mama’s, grow up and be a man?”
“Oh, so, now you are tripping on me about living with my mama? What? I guess you want me to move in permanently with you, huh? Or, maybe I can just move into my own shit. I bet that’ll make me a man, huh? How about that? Candy, what do you think?” Monty got up as if he was going to leave.
“It wouldn’t hurt anything if you did move in with me and the baby. But, it’s bigger than you moving out on your own. You could catch something out there with them stankin’ ass women and bring some shit back here to me. Now, how do you think I’ma feel about that?” Candy grabbed Monty’s arm just as he made it to the front door.
“I wear condoms with each woman I’m with. So, I don’t worry about bringing you nothing back. I do exactly what we agreed. Nothing more! But, now you have a problem with it. I didn’t say I’m going to do this my whole life, just until I’m capable of making some major moves and investing good money in some things that’ll continue to pay off for us.” Monty opened up the front door.
“That’s still your excuse, huh? Well, keep running in the streets and enjoying your pawns. But, your queen ain’t gonna always be around to support your every move. I won’t keep you here any longer, because I’m sure that you have things you have to do. I guess I’ll see you tonight at your party.” Candy released Monty’s arm and walked off.
“Yeah, you lucky it’s my birthday party, too. Or, you wouldn’t be taking your ass to the Touch of Class, either.” Monty walked out the door and got in his car. He turned up his music and headed over to Melanie’s house.
“Oh, quit acting like you care so much,” Candy yelled before she slammed the door shut.
Candy sat at her kitchen table as she rubbed her stomach. She felt bad about the arguing, but she just wanted him to chill out and stop doing those things.
Why can’t he just be with me? He doesn’t need those tramps throwing their money all in his face. I love him. They just love his dick and the way he fucks them. I’m the one having his baby. I don’t wanna leave Monty, but I will if he keeps this up for too much longer. I don’t understand why he pays half of his moms rent still. Plus, he gives her money for other things. Cat has a good job. He just need to cut her loose a little bit, too, because he’ll have his own family soon, Candy thought, then got up from the kitchen table and walked down th
e hallway into her bedroom. Let me see what I’m going to wear tonight. I know that Monty’s little pawns are going to be out trying to get their paws on my baby’s daddy, but it ain’t gonna happen as long as I’m up in there. Candy pulled a fresh new outfit out of her closet and smiled.
Monty pulled up to Rico’s house and blew the horn. He quickly counted the twelve hundred he’d just gotten from Melanie. She was good to him for his birthday. But, then again, Melanie was good to him every time he saw her. He put his money back in his pocket as Rico walked out of his house. Monty got out of the Tahoe and gave Rico dap.
“What’s up, nigga?” Rico asked. He sat down in one of the lawn chairs out in the yard. “What is the birthday boy up to today?”
“Nothing, man. Just making some rounds before my party tonight,” Monty replied as he sat in another lawn chair.
“I feel ya, man. I know we normally get out in the mornings, but I was too tired to move this morning.”
“It wasn’t Paris again, was it?”
“Hell yeah. She’s been wearing a brotha out. I think she fucks me so much to get over you dumping her ass. But, it’s all good. I’ll take it however I can get it.” Rico bit into an apple.
“Yeah, well, be careful with that broad. She is too clingy, and if you don’t wanna be with her like that, you need to watch yourself around her and always keep it real with her. You know? Always let her know that it’s you that runs the show, not her,” Monty said. He was glad he was able to get rid of Paris because she had almost become his worst nightmare.
“Yeah, I would’ve had to let her go, too, after that stunt she pulled on you,” Rico said, grinning.
“That shit ain’t funny. I was already in the making of telling her it was over, and I believe that’s why she tried me. I couldn’t believe she had the nerve to call Candy. That bitch ain’t have no business going through my phone in the first place. What made it so bad, Candy had just left the jail from watching her mama break down after finding out Ebony’s baby is Will’s. She was already dealing with a lot. Then, Paris called talking all that bullshit about how good I was fucking her. She even told Candy the day and time I last fucked her. Candy knew, according to what Paris told her, that I came over to her house, and then she and I had sex two hours later. Candy has been mad at me lately, man. I believe that’s when she really started trippin’. It’s alright, as long as we’re talking about it. She knows some of the things I do. But, when a bitch calls her cell phone talking shit about me, she ain’t so understanding,” Monty explained.
“Well, I’m glad that she ain’t got nobody to be calling and telling them shit about me. She could call Mona, but she just gonna get cursed out because we still kick it but not like that. Mona won’t give me the time or day to be her man and I would love to be. Man, I would drop all this shit that I do, including Paris’ crazy ass. But, the main thing she wants me to drop, I can’t. That’s how I make all my money. She’s so afraid of falling in love with a drug dealer, but I always tell her that ain’t nothing gonna happen to me. She doesn’t believe it.” Rico shook his head from side to side.
“Well, you betta watch Paris’ ass or you’ll have more than just drugs to worry about. If Mona and Candy team up on her ass, it’s really gonna be ugly.”
“Yeah, well, I ain’t worried about Paris. She likes the dick that I’m giving her. But, she’s still crazy about your ass. I don’t know what you were doing to her. It’s taking me awhile to make her not talk about your ass,” Rico said, grinning. “Oh, and just so you know, she’ll be at the party tonight. I didn’t even have time to tell her about it because she told me first.”
“Well, she ain’t gonna start no shit with me tonight. I believe she learned her lesson after I cut her ass loose. I ain’t fuck with that bitch since she pulled that crazy shit. She’s your trouble now, so deal with it.”
“I can’t complain about that kind of trouble. That thang is sexy and freakier than a muthafucka. She can work her tongue like no other and I’m digging that shit. I hope she don’t want me to settle down with her, because first off, she’s already married, second, she done fucked you so she can’t be seen as wifey material, and third, I still want your sister. Shit, man, I love me some good pussy and you know this. But, a good piece of ass is something a brotha like me is used to.”
“You right about that.” Monty gave Rico dap.
“So, what’s up for tonight?” Rico asked.
“I’m just going to relax and enjoy being a year older. I’m blessed, ya know. I got a pocket full of money, a down ass chick that’s pregnant with my baby, pussy flying in front of me from one corner to the next, and my mama and my sister are back living like they supposed to be. I’m doing good, man. I can’t complain. It’s a new year and I’m going to be straight and ready to pass on the torch by the end of it. So, get ready if you want it. But, let me tell you, pimpin’ ain’t easy.”
“Man, are you serious? You ain’t trying to pass on the torch,” Rico responded as he was trying to feel Monty out. “Who would wanna pass up all that pussy? Not no straight man I know.”
“Yeah, well, I done 'bout wore myself out. It’s still exciting, but not like it used to be.”
“I mean, I get my share and then some. But, I usually am the pay master because I always felt like I had it like that. You get paid and you still got it like that. Damn, man, I should’ve started out like you, not handing out cheese.”
“What are you getting into right now?” Monty asked. “I’ma ‘bout to run over to the club and see what Mona and mama is doing. Come on, man, ride with me.”
“Hold up, man, let me grab my cap right quick.” Rico jumped up and went in the house. Monty got up and walked over to his whip, then opened up the door and got in. Rico came back out of the house and got in with Monty before he drove off.
Monty and Rico walked inside of the Touch of Class, looking around. Catherine and Mona did a bang up job. There were New Year’s themed items along with birthday hats sitting out on the bars and a free bottle of Moet sat on each table in the club. There were thousands of very colorful balloons floating all over the place. Monty enjoyed the scene as he smiled and walked around.
“Hey, son,” Catherine said as she walked up behind Monty. “How do you like the place?”
“I love it. You and Mona out did y’all selves. It’s a lot of balloons in here.” Monty looked up at the ceiling.
“You see the shooters up top? They’re going to shoot out confetti when your birthday comes in at midnight. Now, that was your baby mama’s idea,” Catherine said.
“Oh, yeah? She didn’t tell me that. Where is Mona at?”
“She went on over to Candy’s so she could get something done to her hair. She helped me here then left. I was just still around making sure the caterers made it here on time and set things up the way that I want them to. Candy also has a guy setting up a sculptor with your picture inside of a big piece of ice.”
“Y’all doing it big, then,” Monty continued. “I love this whole lil’ set up, Mama.” He kissed Catherine on the cheek.
“I’m glad you do. We put a lot of work and money into this party for you. But, you truly deserved it. I pray this year brings you everything you desire to have and a healthy little baby.”
“I’m about to go. I need to run by the mall right quick and find a nice cap to wear tonight. But, thanks, Ma. I like this a lot.” Monty and Rico headed toward the exit.
“See ya later, Cat,” said Rico. “I do love how y’all hooked this place up.”
“Thank you, Rico. We’ll see you tonight. Make sure my son is here at ten o’clock sharp.”
“Yes, ma’am, I will. We’ll both be on time. Ain’t no way in hell we’ll miss this shindig.” Rico laughed as he and Monty gave each other dap.
Chapter Sixteen
Monty pulled up to Candy’s house at nine thirty, got out of his car, and knocked on her door. She opened it and Monty did a double take. She looked like a younger Gabrielle
Union standing there with a beautiful smile on her face and those deep dimples showing.
“Damn, baby, you’re looking good.” Monty kissed Candy on her soft, strawberry tasting lips.
“Thanks, baby. You’re looking good, too.” Candy smiled while looking at Monty in his fresh black and white Rocawear gear, matching cap, and brand new white Air Force Ones.
“Are you ready?” Monty asked as he held Candy around her waist.
“Yep, I’m ready. I was just about to leave and head on over to the club because Mona said she was riding with your mama.”
“Well, I stopped by to take you to the club with me.”
“Oh yeah?” Candy kissed Monty on the lips. “I’d be delighted to go with you.”
“You are looking good as hell,” he stated, then checked out her short white mini dress. The V neck sagged down low, giving her breasts the best of compliments. The top part hugged her just right and elegantly covered her baby bump while the bottom wrapped around Candy’s nice size hips like a sash. Her thick, pretty legs extended from a pair of matching white pumps which gave her a lot of sex appeal and Monty was happy to have her on his arm. “I couldn’t go to the party without apologizing about earlier. I want you to know I really want us to work things out. So, it wouldn’t have been right to attend the party without taking my lil' bust it baby, right?” Monty smiled at Candy.
“Well, I’m ready. So, let’s go. And, I’m sorry, also. I forgive you, as usual.” Candy grabbed her white hand purse and walked out of the house holding onto Monty’s hand.
They rode to the Touch of Class and Candy smiled to herself because she was happy to be going to the club with her good looking man. I’m happy to be bringing in the New Year with my Boo, she thought while reaching over and touching Monty’s hand. He smiled since he was very happy to have her with him on that special night. “So, what are your pawns going to think about you walking up in the club with me?”