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CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk) Page 19

  Monty smoked on the blunt and thought about Sunshine. He’d already gotten a good report about her and he couldn’t wait to meet the tough chick in person. He sat there and began to feel he needed this very bad. He had needed a new fling for a long time because his old ones were just that. He smiled, then got out of his vehicle and walked up to her door to ring the doorbell.

  The door opened and Monty walked in the big house, and looked around as the door closed behind him. “Well, hello, Mr. Mo Money. How are you doing this time of the morning?” Sunshine said from behind Monty. He began to turn around so he could get a look at the mystery woman. But, as he moved to face her, she walked off. “Come on. Follow me,” she said in a sexy voice. Monty walked behind her down the long hallway, and was checking out her thick, sexy legs and five foot five frame as she was walking in her red stilettos and wearing nothing but a sheer, short robe that came just below her wide, nice, round ass. He could see the string of the red hot G-string and the back of her red bra, but the rest of her was out in the open. Monty got excited.

  She walked through double doors and he followed. He saw a big king sized canopy bed sitting out in the middle of the huge room with unpacked boxes lying all around on the floor. The bed was fully made and the only thing it was missing was Mo Money and Sunshine. Monty grabbed her by the hand and turned her around so he could get a good look. She looked right up into his face, and then smiled. He quickly blinked his eyes as he thought that he was actually with Ashanti. But, as he got a better look, he saw it was someone even more familiar.

  “Monica?” Monty said with shock. “Monica Hunter, is that you?”

  “Oh my GOD… Monty!”

  Chapter Seventeen


  Monty and Monica stared as they were both shocked to see one another. Monica pulled her see through robe tightly together as if she was covering herself up while Monty still stood there shocked as hell to be reunited with his high school sweetheart in that kind of way. He quickly got his thoughts together, and then tried to figure out something to say.

  “Damn, Monica! It’s been a long time. About seven years since the last time I saw you,” Monty said as he was still in awe.

  “Yeah, it has been about that long now,” she replied and walked off, and then sat on the bed. She seemed a little embarrassed. “I gotta say, I never expected you to be this Mo Money guy Symone hooked me up with.” Monica patted the side of the bed, suggesting that Monty sat next to her. “I always wondered what you were up to these days, and now I have my answer.”

  “You thought about me from time to time, huh?” Monty asked as he sat next to Monica, taking in her beauty. “This is my day job. Or, shall I say, my anytime I’m available job. I can’t lie to you about it, of course. But, I do make good money doing what I do and it’s not all that bad, ya know.” Monty watched Monica, who was looking exceptionally tasty and good enough to eat.

  “I already heard about the money you make doing what you do. I guess it don’t matter to me. A hustle is a hustle no matter what kind it is. At least you’re not just sitting around doing nothing for yourself.”

  “Naw, I could never sit still not doing anything. I started doing this after I came home from college. It was the quickest way to make some real cash.” Monty opened up as he was being as honest as he could be.

  “You’re still looking good as hell. You were always so handsome to me. I hated having to move away because I knew it was plenty girls waiting to take my place.” Monica looked up into Monty’s eyes.

  “That’s funny, though. Because, I never called another female my girl after you moved away,” Monty said as he thought about Candy. Up until recently, he mentally recalled. “I was never into being in another relationship like that. I just wanted to chill out and finish school. I didn’t care to have another girlfriend that could leave me at anytime due to moving, or anything else for that matter,” Monty continued.

  “So, what you’re saying is that you didn’t want your heart broke again?” Monica smiled and softly touched Monty’s thigh.

  “Who said my heart was broke?”

  “Well, mine was. That’s why I decided way back then to not let any man get that close to me ever again. I couldn’t prevent myself from having to move back then and leave you like that, but what I could prevent I would, and that was not falling in love with no one else until I was fully ready and capable.”

  “In a sense, but in so many words, I felt the same way.” Monty shyly smiled.

  “So, now you have it. This is why I wanted to get with the infamous Mr. Mo Money. Because, Mo Money has no feelings for the women he gets with. I don’t have no feelings for the men that I get with, and I’m not looking to get any, either. I understand now why you do what you do. I can’t very well blame you.”

  “I guess that’s part of the reason why I do what I do. I gotta be honest here. Money talks, bullshit walks. And, I love the money as well as the excitement I get each time I’m with a woman.” Monty quickly remembered why he was there.

  “Well, I have plenty of money and don’t mind spending it on something, or someone, I enjoy having. I’m not looking for love and you’re not, either, but we never know what the future holds.”

  “You’re right about that,” said Monty as he looked over at Monica. “If this situation is awkward, because I’d understand if it is, then please tell me that. I’ll leave, although, it is real good to see you again.” Monty smiled and got up off of Monica’s bed as if he was about to leave.

  “No, it’s okay. I want you to stay. I guess it was meant for us to meet back up this way. I can’t lie. I’ve missed you for a long time. So, I’m just glad that you’re here.” Monica grabbed Monty’s hand.

  “You did cross my mind a few times lately, but I thought you’d be half way across the country by now. I never expected to ever see you again, and here you are.”

  “Well, we can still do what I called you here to do if you want to. It ain’t like it never happened before, anyway. I bet you didn’t forget that you were my first, did you?” Monica laughed.

  “No, I didn’t forget that. I only have run into a couple of virgins in my day. You happened to be one of them.” Again, Monty thought about Candy.

  “I never forgot the first time we made love. As a matter of fact, I always think about it, and you. When I moved back here, I figured you were off in another state doing your thang and just wasn’t coming back this way again.” She paused for a moment, and then continued. “You wouldn’t believe the first thing I did when I came back here.”

  “What was that?”

  “I went to your old house, thinking you all still lived there. But, an older man came to the door and said he and his wife been living there for at least three years. I just figured y’all moved on to another city or something.” Monica looked over at Monty.

  “Why did you come back here, anyway?” Monty asked. He was curious to know what kind of work Monica was into.

  “Well, I’m into real estate and I’ve purchased a few places around town. I also leased out a few office buildings around here, too. I just decided to move closer to where I own most of my assets. But, I can’t lie, though. I always hoped I’d run into you again while I was here. I just wanted to show you how much better it is now,” Monica said, then glimpsed down at her kitty.

  “It was real good back then.” Monty smiled. I tapped that ass every time I could, Monty thought.

  “But, it’s a lot better now.” Monica seemed like she was trying to loosen up and rekindle what she and Monty used to have.

  It might be betta, but it ain’t that fresh no more, Monty said to himself as he began to think about all the men that Monica had probably slept with since him. “So, you still wanna do this, huh?” he asked.

  “Yep, I do. I’ve waited for this moment for a long time now. Do you really know why we moved, Monty?” Monica questioned, while being serious.


  “We moved because my father read a letter I wrote you expla
ining how I felt after we had sex. He knew you were my first and hated I’d lost my virginity. He felt as if I wasn’t taking life seriously. Well, the next thing I knew, we were moving over three thousand miles from here because he didn’t want me around you anymore. He transferred to another company quicker than I could say goodbye.” Monica paused before she continued to talk. “My feelings were hurt. But, I didn’t know how to explain that to you. So, I rolled with the punches and moved away with my family. But, I always prayed we’d meet up again someday.”

  “I didn’t know you felt that strongly about me. I did hate to see you leave, but made myself bounce back quickly. I refused to sit around and mope over you, knowing you were gone. I don’t mean to sound cold because it’s really not. But, I knew my life had to go on with or without you,” Monty explained.

  “I can’t fault you for feeling like that way because, eventually, I began to feel the same way. But, in my heart, I always wanted this meeting to take place. I didn’t know it was going to be like this, but I’m just glad it has happened.” Monica stood up and walked over by the fireplace. She looked back at Monty and smiled.

  “What are you smiling about?” Monty asked as he was admiring Monica’s sexy body.

  “I’m just happy that you’re here right now.”

  “Yeah, well, I almost wasn’t,” Monty responded, and then thought about Candy.

  “Oh yeah. Why was that?”

  “Well,” Monty said as he was quickly thinking of a reason. “I kinda partied too much, ya know? If I had gone on home and fell out in that comfortable bed of mine, then I wouldn’t have been able to get back out. I hadn’t slept in days and I’m feeling a little too good.”

  “Did you have one too many drinks?” Monica asked, and then bent down and began feeling through one of the boxes.

  “Yeah, you can say that. What? You don’t remember?” Monty asked as he watched Monica’s ass. DAMN! She’s much sexier than she was back in the day, Monty thought.

  “Of course, I remembered. I remembered before you even walked in my door that it’s your birthday. How could I forget it? I lost my virginity on your birthday, remember? I still hadn’t been able to bring the New Years in like that one.” Monica quickly turned around.

  “What you got there?” Monty asked as he began to smile.

  “I also didn’t forget that Chess is one of your favorite games. We would play all the time. It’s like you got a thrill out of teaching me how to play, and a bigger thrill out of winning.”

  Monty took the Chess board out of her hand. He rubbed his hand across it, bringing back nice and sad memories. “You thought it was complicated, but I explained the rules to you and you caught on rather quickly.” Monty sat the board down on the bed and glanced over at it. He became quiet as if his mind was wandering, and then he said, “I haven’t played Chess in a long time, ya know? Me and Rico haven’t had the time to just sit and play a good game.”

  “Do you remember how long our games would last?” Monica asked.

  “The longest one went on for three days,” Monty remembered.

  “I remember we would get deep into the game, and then deep into each other, forgetting about the game. But, in the end, you always won.”

  “Yeah, but you used to come very close once you warmed up to it, and you know that you won some of those games, too, sometimes,” Monty said.

  “You let me,” Monica replied, and then gently hit Monty. “How come you don’t play with your dad anymore? He was the reason why you were so good with this game,” Monica questioned before she rubbed her hand across the sleek board top.

  “You don’t know about that, do you?”

  “Know about what?”

  “He died a few years ago,” Monty explained. “This crackhead shot and killed my ole man, not to long after you moved away.” Monty pushed the Chess board over to the side of him.

  “I am so sorry to hear about that. I always liked your dad and he was a good man who loved his family. He even liked me.”

  “Yeah, he did like you. Come to think about it, who didn’t like you?”

  “I was only popular because you were.”

  “Yeah right. We both were popular. I did hate it when you moved. But, it is so good to see you now.” Monty tried to change the subject. “I’m glad to see you’re doing great for yourself. You still look good as hell.” He thought about how sweet and innocent his relationship was with Monica.

  “You do, too, Monty. This has got to be some kind of sign or something, because I never would’ve guessed that you would’ve been the one walking through my door.” Monica looked over at clock on her wall, displaying the time of six thirty in the morning. She got up as she remembered something from the past.

  “Hold up. Just sit tight. I’ll be right back in a minute.” Monica walked out of the room and down the hallway.

  She returned with a very familiar white T-shirt on. She stood in front of Monty and he really began to smile.

  “I can’t believe you still have this old T-shirt,” Monty responded, then read the spray painted, colorful writing. Monica loves Monty. He took his hand and rubbed across the letters on the shirt because they still looked so freshly painted. He looked back at Monica. “What made you keep this for so long?” Monty asked as he swung his finger in the air, gesturing for Monica to slowly turn around for him. She followed his command.

  The T-shirt came just below her hips, so Monty’s dick got hard as he reminisced about taking that shirt off of her the first time they made love. Lil’ mama is thicker than a Snicker, Monty thought just as Monica turned back to him and pulled the shirt over her head. She stood there smiling as her naked body really turned him on. Her breasts were perfect and her skin color was a beautiful medium brown. Her hair was pulled up in a medium length ponytail, which reminded him of the look she wore back in the day. Now, it was more mature, sassier, and sexier.

  Monty reached out with both hands, and before he knew it, he was gently caressing both of her breasts. Monty began to suck on her breasts passionately and she held her head back while taking in deep breaths. She grabbed hold of him tight, then he picked her up and gently lay her back on the big king sized bed. Monty rubbed his big hand in between her legs while Monica’s wet pearl made him want to hurry up and get inside of her. But, he took his time teasing and pleasing her. He could tell his touch was driving her crazy by the moans she was letting out. And, in a sense, her body language was also driving him crazy.

  He began to slowly come out of his clothes while his fingers continued to amaze her. Monty went in his pocket, pulled out a condom, opened the wrapper up, and slid it on. Monica inhaled, and then exhaled as his body was pressed up against hers. He rubbed his dick around her wet clit and pussy lips before sliding it in. It became harder as her warm, wet walls tightened up around his head. He was giving it to her like he always wanted to, and she was taking every bit of it while making Monty moan a little. Damn, what is that about? Monty wondered since he never really showed any kind of affection or emotion while having sex. This is some good ass pussy, though. This shit is hot and juicy as hell. “

  “Give it to me, Monty! I want it all.” Monica grabbed his back hard and pulled him closer to her. She breathed harder in his ear as her pussy began popping and spreading more juices all over the covers. Before Monty realized it, an hour passed and even though he was still pumped and ready, so was Monica. Another hour and a half later, Monica exploded all over his dick. Monty enjoyed the extreme orgasm she had and it made him want to nut. But, he was enjoying the feeling and wanted to wait until later. But, without warning, he busted one. Monty rolled over and lie on his back. Monica smiled.

  Monty lay there as he thought, Damn, she’s good. Her pearl is, by far, the best I’ve had from one of my pawns. Damn, it has never taken me that long to make one of my pawns have an orgasm like that. She has control over that kitty cat like a muthafucka, and I’m feeling this shit.

  “Monty, I’m really glad you came here this morning. You h
ave truly made me a very happy woman.” Monica finger played around on Monty’s chest.

  “Yeah, I must say, you really surprised me in many ways. You are a woman of many talents, I see.”

  “Do you have a girlfriend or a significant other in your life? Because, I really want to see if we could make things work this time around.” Monica looked over at Monty who was fast asleep. She scooted very close to him and dozed off to sleep. She was kinda glad that he didn’t hear her.

  Monica woke up before Monty and looked over at the clock on the wall. It was one o’clock in the afternoon. She got up and left Monty asleep as she heard his phone vibrating in his pants. She went through his pocket and took it out, then began to snoop through his call log and text messages.

  Jay, Melinda, and Melanie must be three of the women that he’s pleasing for money, Monica thought as she scrolled through the text messages.

  I think this Karen hoochie must be another one. But, who is this Candy chick I wonder, with all this shit she’s saying to him? Monica got into the messages from Candy because they seemed more sincere and with stronger feelings. Could this chick be in love with my man? Monica thought as she looked back at Monty, who was still fast asleep. Yes, trick, Monica thought. This will be my man again and whoever you are, trust me, it’s going to be over between you and him. Monica placed the phone back in Monty’s pocket as if it wasn’t even tampered with, and she walked to the kitchen to cook the birthday boy brunch.

  “Wake up, sleepy head. You weren’t lying when you said once you fell asleep it would be over,” Monica said as she was shaking on Monty.

  He woke up and looked at the beautiful brunch Monica had so kindly cooked for him. He smiled, and then looked over at the clock. “Oh shit! It’s 2:10! How in the hell did I sleep so long?” Monty asked as he jumped up and grabbed his pants.