CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk) Read online

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  “Candy, when are you leaving to go to Spelman, anyway? Aren’t you attending college there?” Monty questioned as they made their way back to the crib.

  “Yeah, but I ain’t leaving for awhile. I told my mama that I need to chill out for at least a year before I jump right back into school. Shit, I need a break. Being a senior and graduating from high school took a lot outta me.” She answered.

  “I know that’s right.” Mona agreed, smiling.

  “Mona, please, you ain’t going nowhere but to Augusta Tech. I don’t know why you won’t at least leave the city.” Monty disappointedly shook his head. “I’m the one that needs a break from y’all.” He grinned.

  “Keep fucking with old ugly ass Karen and you’re gonna have a long break if you know what I mean,” Candy said, grinning back at Monty while trying to be funny.

  “Leave Karen out of this, and she ain’t ugly. It just sounds like you’re a hater to me, that’s all. She’s pretty, fine as hell, and she’s feeling a nigga, regardless of what you two crazy ass girls might believe. Why do you think Big Bruce wanna fight me so bad?” He asked then sat in the chair on the porch.

  “Maybe it’s because you’ve been laid up in his bed over on the west side of town living like the Jones’,” Mona stated.

  “Or, maybe it’s because you’re eating up all his food outta the refrigerator while you’re there.” Candy laughed. “You know his big ass be hungry.”

  Monty couldn’t help but grin. “Whatever, ladies, it’s not cute to hate, ya know. Here comes mama, turning the corner now,” he said as he stood up and walked across the yard toward the road where his mama pulled up beside the curbstone.

  She parked the car then stepped out of the black 2004 Honda Accord. “What’s up big head?” She asked.

  “Hey Mama, did you stop by Wally World and get us a new air conditioner after you got off of work? It’s hot as hell in our crib,” Monty stated.

  “Yes I did stop by Wal-Mart, Monty. And, yes, I did get a new unit for the living room and one for my room. Thanks for asking how my day was, though.”

  He smiled at her. “I’m sorry, Ma. How was your day?”

  “Pretty good, overall,” Catherine responded. While standing there she pulled her soft pink, knee length skirt down. It showed off her nice long legs and the fitted, button down, white blouse revealed her small waistline as she strutted in her matching soft pink pumps. Her hair, as usual, was pulled up in a hanging ponytail that made her eyes seem tighter than what they already were, and her cocoa brown skin was as soft and smooth as the way she carried herself. She smacked Monty on the arm as she instructed him. “Now, grab one of those units off of the back seat and take it in the house. After you do that, then come back out here and get the other one.” Catherine turned to Candy and Mona with a smile on her face. “Hey girls, how are you two doing today? You’re both looking like you’re up to no good.”

  “Hey, Mama, we’re not doing anything. We’ve been chilling out all day,” Mona said, and then put her arm around her mama’s neck.

  Catherine admired her designer braids. “Your hair is cute. How long did it take you to do that?” She asked Candy.

  “All day,” she responded. “How are you doing today?” Candy asked.

  “I’m well, just tired as hell from working in that loud ass call center. Them some crazy ass customers that be calling in all day long, and they’ve already started getting on my nerve,” She replied, walking inside her home.

  “Dang Mama, you just started working there about three weeks ago. The first two weeks you were in training. What’s up with that?” Monty asked as he walked in the door behind Catherine.

  “Mind your own business, boy, and stay outta your mama’s. Where do you work at?” She started fanning in the air, trying to find a cool breeze from somewhere. “Damn, it’s hot as hell in here! Hurry up and put those units in the windows for me before I cook.”

  “I told you that it was just that hot in here,” Candy told Mona as they laughed, entering the apartment behind Monty.

  Catherine sat down on the black, leather sectional in the living room and looked for the remote to the sixty two inch TV that sat in the corner over by the nice size bookshelf. Her mind wandered off in the stiff, hot air while blocking out the chatter between the girls.

  Well, this is my home, our home. I’m so sick of having to tell myself that every day. It only feels like home when I’m inside because of all this nice furniture we had before we moved here, but the walls aren’t the same, the space is not the same, and the outside is definitely not the same. Things are going to have to change around here, because this is going to drive me crazy. Catherine snapped out of her thoughts as Mona continued to talk.

  “Well, I’ma rest like a baby tonight. I’ma be cool and comfortable.” Mona smiled as she sat on the sofa.

  Catherine started in the kitched but stopped to address the girls. “Are you girls going out tomorrow night?”

  “Ain’t tomorrow night Friday night, Mama? Of course we’re going out.” Mona answered.

  “I don’t even know why I asked.” She said, needing her a glass of red wine.

  “Where did you get money from to buy two air condition units?” Mona asked as Monty took the old one out of the living room window.

  “I bought one of them with my hard earned money and your brother paid for the other one.” She paused. “Probably with somebody else’s hard earned money,” she mentioned, rejoining them in the living room with her glass of red wine. She then sat back down.

  Candy grinned. “Yeah, probably from a four hundred pound black man by the name of Big Bruce,” she chimed in as she slapped Monty on the butt.

  “Go ‘head on with that bullshit, now,” Monty mumbled, trying to ignore Candy’s comment.

  “Well, Monty, you betta not get yourself tied up in no bullshit. I know that much and I sure as hell don’t want you out there selling them drugs because you know how I feel about that. That’s why your father is dead and gone now. He couldn’t stop fooling around in them streets until his ass got jacked, but by then it was too late. Even though he was well-known and respected, I still would tell him that there was always someone waiting to take his place. I would repeat to him over and over again that at all times never trust no one, because in the dope game, there is no trust and even close friends sit back and wait for that golden opportunity to step up to be the next “it” man in the streets.” Catherine paused. “Look at Bruce, for example. He was once a dope boy for your father. He was one of his main errand boys, but when that crackhead robbed and killed your father, Bruce didn’t even come to the funeral. He was too busy trying to take over the throne, and he’s done a good job at holding down the fort for almost five years now.”

  “But, somebody’s gonna take him off of that high horse he’s been riding for so long. Just wait and see,” Monty boasted as he scratched his head and looked over at his mother.

  Mona uneasily looked over at her brother. “I sure hope that this somebody is not you.”

  “I’m not talking about me, but someone definitely will if he keeps walking ‘round here like he’s Mr. Untouchable.” He commented.

  “Bruce always rides solo. He doesn’t let anyone get close to him like that and when he is out and about, don’t nobody even want to try his big ass. They’re probably too scared of him anyway. After he got away with killing Ronny in the back alley on East Boundary, nobody wanted to fuck with him or get in his way,” Catherine explained then cheerfully sighed from the cool air blowing her way since Monty had set the new unit in the living room window. “Well, I’m about to go take a long shower and lay down for awhile. I’m tired. Monty I expect my unit to be in my window by the time I get out.” She got up and exited the living room, leaving Monty, Candy, and Mona talking amongst each other.

  “Monty, why didn’t you tell your mama that Big Bruce was about to whoop your ass today?” Candy asked as she playfully got up in his face.

  “I ain’t about to worry
my mama with that bullshit. Big Bruce was about to get his ass knocked out. You ain’t ever heard that the bigger they are, the harder they fall?” Monty said as he held up some very shiny brass knuckles in his hand.

  “You always fight dirty,” Mona blurted out. “I should have known you had something up your sleeve, or rather hidden in your hand. You were just too calm while Big Bruce was talking all that shit in your face.”

  “Yeah well, I didn’t want to show all my cards. I love the element of surprise, you know?”

  “Well, how about you surprise me with that big package they say you got hanging below,” Candy interrupted while leaning over and grabbing Monty’s thigh.

  Monty removed her hand. “Who are they?”

  “These scrubs that you ‘round here sleeping with.”

  “I get tired of you with all that hating. I don’t fuck scrubs. I fuck women. As a matter of fact, I fuck independent women. You wouldn’t happen to be one of them, would you?” Monty asked. “Nope, that’s why I’m not fucking with your lil’ young ass like that. You ain’t my type, anyway. You’re just a daddy’s girl.”

  “That’s alright. I may be daddy’s little girl, but I know, as well as you, that I look way betta than them scrubs you fucking around with and I know I’m fine. So, please, don’t you hate.” Candy rolled her eyes at Monty. “Mo, I’m about to go. I know when it’s time for me to leave.”

  “Why you say that?” Mona asked as Candy headed toward the door.

  “Because, when your brother start making me not like him, something’s wrong and I gotta go before I start doubting my feelings for him.” Candy walked out the door and sashayed all the way out to the curbstone where her 2006 lime green convertible, Herby look-a-like was parked. Mona walked to the screen door and hollered out at her.

  “Call me later, gurl.”

  “That damn beetle looks just like her ass,” Monty said as he got up off of the sofa and walked in the kitchen.

  “What? Small and cute, is that what you’re saying, because seriously, Monty, Candy is a very pretty dark skinned chick. She dresses nice and has a neat little shape. She really does look betta than them skanks that you lay up with and you know it.”

  “Whatever!” Monty threw his hand up in the air. “I told you I like independent women because they take care of me. Who could resist these good looks, great charm, and not to mention, these fresh dawgs up here,” Monty bragged, and then rubbed his hand over his waved out, low cut temple tape. “These women love me. I’m tryna tell ya.”

  “There is no doubt about that, big bruh. Because, there is no other way a twenty three year old man can dress as fly as you do, stay smoked out 24/7, and can afford to give moms two hundred dollars for a air condition unit, but don’t have a job and won’t sell no drugs. That’s why you fuck with Karen, ain’t it?” Mona asked before leaning up against the wall in the kitchen, watching him fix a bowl of Captain Crunch.

  “The truth is that I like Karen. At the same time, I feel bad for her because she don’t love Bruce. She just knows that without him, there’s no big brick house and money to burn like she do. That girl is spoiled and old ugly ass Bruce got her like that. You should see her crib. It’s nice as hell in there. Reminds me of ours back when dad was still living.” Monty stopped speaking to eat his cereal.

  “Yeah, shit happens so fast, doesn’t it? One minute we’re in the suburbs and then the next, we wake up in the projects, and done been in this hood now for almost four years. Hell, I’ve gotten quite used to it to be honest with ya,” Mona said as she walked down the hallway.

  “Well don’t, because I have a plan that I’m working on right now and we’re getting outta the hood, soon enough,” Monty informed, continuing to crunch.

  Chapter Two

  “Hey, Mo, what’s poppin’? I just called to tell you that I’m on the way to pick you up,” said Candy over the phone.

  “Okay. I was ready an hour ago. I just have to sit here and wait on your slow ass. You need to hurry up because Ross is on the door tonight and he’ll let us in with no problems. If you fuck around and wait till Sheila’s bumpy face ass get on that door, then we ain’t getting in and you know it.”

  “I thought Sheila was out of town on business. That’s what you said the other day.”

  “Yeah, but Ross called me when I first hung up with you, which was a couple of hours ago, and told me Sheila had made it back and he didn’t know if she was coming in tonight or not. You know how she be hogging up the spot and not letting anyone in without checking for an I.D.”


  “I know, I’m on the way,” Candy said as she hung up the phone.

  “Damn, Mona, you looking fly as hell,” Candy said as she checked out Mona’s tight fitted black dress. “You’re looking just like your mama. You and Monty got them lil’ slanted eyes just like her. You just got your daddy skin color and Monty got hers. Baby got back.” Candy smiled as she scoped Mona from head to toe. “You know I ain’t gonna hate on you.”

  “I know, Candy, and thanks. You’re looking good, too. What kind of shirt is that? It’s cute.”

  “I don’t know, but I got it out of the Body Shop in the mall and it fits real good. I just love the way it hugs on my tiny waist and comes down a little over my DKNY jeans that I wear so proper like,” Candy continued, smacking her lips as she admired herself in Mona’s wall mirror. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  “I’m right behind ya.” Mona grabbed her purse.

  Candy and Mona pulled up to the Touch of Class nightclub and sat in the car staring at the long line of people anxiously waiting to get in. They bounced to the sounds of Dolla and T-Pain, Who The Fuck Is That.

  “Are you ‘bout ready?” Candy asked as she looked over at Mona, who was in the mirror checking her lip gloss.

  “Sure. The line ain’t getting no shorter,” Mona responded before they got out of the car.

  “Mo, are you taking your purse in there with you?” Candy questioned while straightening her sheer white shirt that hung down real low in the front, showing off her perfect sized breasts.

  “No, so pop the trunk.”

  “That’s cool.” Candy hit the release, then she and Mona put their purses back there.

  “Here, put my lip gloss in your pocket because I need to keep these luscious lips shiny and sexy all night.” Mona laughed.

  “I know that’s right, gurl. I’ma use some, also,” Candy stated as they walked toward the club and stood in the long line.

  “Hey, Ross. How are you tonight?” Mona asked as he patted her up and down. “I’m glad Sheila hadn’t made it here yet. I had my fingers crossed.”

  “Yeah, she just got here, too. Although, you know I wasn’t going to leave this door until after I seen your fine ass walk in. Damn, gurl, you smell good. What’s that you got on?” Ross asked as he seductively sniffed around Mona’s neck.

  “It’s called Pleasures by Estee’ Lauder,” Mona said, smiling.

  Candy blurted out. “Damn Ross, hurry your ass up. Shit, this line already long while you up here all sniffing on my gurl and shit.”

  “Shut up, Candy, with your hood ass before I check your muthafuckin ID,” Ross said, but was clearly playing around with her. Mona and Candy stood there waiting for a second until Ross let them get by, and they walked inside the club.

  “Hey Mo I see Monty over in VIP. Let’s go where he’s at,” Candy shouted, then grabbed Mona’s hand.

  “I should’ve known you would have sniffed Monty’s ass out even in this big ass crowd,” Mona replied while squeezing through the hyped crowd and gripping Candy’s fingertips until they finally made their way up to the VIP section.

  “Well, here’s my lil’ sister and her psychotic ass best friend.” Monty smiled as he checked out Candy’s hips on the sly.

  “Now is that the way you to talk to your future wife?” she asked, and then smiled back at Monty and winked her eye.

  “You must be feeling good tonight?” Mona asked. Monty continued to smile and r
ock his head back and forth.

  “Why do you say that?” Monty inquired.

  “Because you got your darkest pair of shades on and you can’t stop smiling. How many drinks have you had, anyway?” Mona probed before sitting down at Monty’s table.

  “I’ve had maybe two or three. I don’t know, but I do feel pretty good,” Monty replied and continued to smile while turning around to scope out the dance floor.

  “Damn, this crowd is wild and mad thick.” Mona threw her hand in the air while moving her body in a belly dance motion, swaying from side to side like a smooth sensual wave.

  “Hell yeah, I’m feeling this shit tonight, too. Monty, are you treating us?” Candy asked as she flirted.

  “Yeah, get what y’all want. Hey, Trina, come here and take my folks order.” The waitress walked over and asked Candy and Mona what they want to drink.

  “I’ll have an Incredible Hulk,” Mona said. “Betta yet, let’s make it two off top.”

  “Me too, so make that four off top, and top shelf,” Candy stated while smiling. She then stood up and walked over in front of Monty, who was leaning back on the iron rails that separated them from the crowd. She began rubbing her ass up against Monty’s throbbing dick seductively while grooving to Lil Wayne’s, The Beat Goes Boom. As Candy was so smoothly shaking what her mama gave her, Rico walked over and whispered in Monty’s ear.

  “Hey, man, you know you my boy, right?”

  “Yeah, we like brothers. What’s up?” Monty asked while feeling dazed out by Candy’s ass rubbing up against him.

  “I know shawty be all on your dick, but damn, man. Let a brotha try to get with Candy. She fine as hell. I don’t see how you ain’t already hit that, much as she be up in your face. The gurl is a dime piece fo’ sho, and I wanna rub that ass just one time,” Rico spoke as his eyes were glued to Candy’s sexual dance moves.

  “Hey, Candy, here comes Trina with y’all drinks. Why don’t you go have seat by Mona and drink up,” Monty whispered in Candy’s ear as she walked off and sat back down. “Hey, man. I ain’t trying to be funny, but Candy is still seventeen. Nobody should be sleeping with her lil’ young ass yet. I ain’t gone lie, though, the way she shaking her ass on me makes me wanna fuck her. But, I don’t fuck with nobody under the age of eighteen. Shit, I don’t care how good they look. Some people say age ain’t nothing but a number, but I love my freedom. I don’t even know if I’ll get with her then, but if it happens, it happens. At least she’ll be of age and I ain’t gotta worry about no shit from the law. I might have to deal with her mama, though, and you’ve already heard Candy’s mom doesn’t play. She has always seemed like a sweet lady to me, but you never can judge a book by its cover and you don’t wanna cross her or her family because if you do, you’re playing at your own risk. Now, her daddy, on the other hand, is a real cool cat. He’ll keep you laughing. His only problem is that he’s a player to his heart. Candy and her mama know it, but he takes care of them and he’s good to them regardless of what he does in the streets. So, just chill out with that shit, man. Find another broad to hook up with.”