CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk) Page 24
Monty walked out to his vehicle, and then looked back at Mona. “Please, don’t believe that shit, Mona. I’ve changed. I’m telling you, and I really want to be with my real family, not some made up family.” Monty got in his vehicle, cranked it up, and left.
Mona sat on the porch thinking about Monica and Monty. I didn’t even know her ass was back in town. I hope Monty straightens this whole mess out before Candy gets a whiff of this news. It’s bad enough she’s back in town, but Candy will really be upset if she knew that Monty slept with her again. I do believe my brother. That baby ain’t his if he says it ain’t. But, what is Monica up to? Mona pondered just as Nancy’s BMW pull up in her driveway. Oh… Shit!
Candy got out of the car and waddled over to Mona. She jumped up and met her half way. They stand out in the yard hugging on each other. “Ooh, Candy Gurl, you are huge.” Mona rubbed Candy on the stomach.
“Yeah, I know it.” Candy said as she and Mona walked inside the house. “My Aunt Linda wasn’t having a baby shower for me because it’s nothing left that we can get this little one. He’s straight until he turns eighteen.” Candy and Mona giggled. “When I called you last week, I was about to return then. I just needed some time to myself and relax at home. Trust me, I stayed busy arranging the baby’s toys and clothes. It took some time putting up all those clothes he got. I wanted to tell you to come over so bad, but I thought your brother would find out and show up. I just wanted to surprise you and Monty. Where is he at?”
“Oh um, Monty just left here to go take Rico home. He’ll be right back, and I know he’s going to be some kind of happy to see you.”
“Come on and let me show you all this stuff here.” Mona took Candy by the hand and led her to the baby’s room while trying to forget that Monica just left not fifteen minutes ago.
“Damn, man, I’m just really pissed off right about now. First, I see Bruce’s fat ass watching me like a hawk. Then, I go home and Monica’s there with some bullshit of a lie. I know that baby ain’t mine because I can feel it in my heart, just like I feel my son inside Candy.”
“Yeah, man, I believe you. Well, I’m about to go on in the house. Call me later if you need me because I ain’t getting back out until probably later on tonight.” Rico opened the door and got out. “Before I lay down, though, I’ma call this bitch that keeps fucking with me and tell her ass off. I’m tired of being her fuck toy. These muthafuckin’ women be trippin’.” Rico shook his head from side to side. “That ordeal with Paris was enough to deal with and I’m still not over that shit. I believe that’s why I do the shit I do. You know, man, to keep a brotha busy. My problem is, I don’t like to be the bad guy and hurt no one’s feelings.”
“I feel ya on that shit. Monica better get it together before she really gets her feelings hurt fucking with me,” Monty said as he was about to drive off.
“Well, don’t do nothing stupid.” Rico immediately walked in the house and made a phone call.
“Hello,” the soft spoken voice said.
“What kind of games are you playing here?” Rico asked, clearly upset. “Why are you doing this to yourself?”
“Doing what to myself? I wasn’t expecting to see you there,” Monica replied.
“I didn’t expect to see you there, either. When did you find out you were pregnant? I guess you weren’t going to tell me that, huh?” Rico asked. He was upset. Rico paced the floor with the phone up to his ear.
“To be honest, Rico, no, I wasn’t gonna tell you anything,” said Monica calmly.
“I think I have more right to know than Monty does. I’m your baby’s father, aren’t I?”
“Rico, don’t act like you didn’t know what you were getting yourself into the night you called me. If you weren’t snooping in your best friend’s phone and trying to be just like him, then you wouldn’t have this problem right now.”
“Don’t fuck with me, Monica. I’m in no mood for your childish ass games.” Rico sat down and rested his head back on the sofa.
“Listen to me. You are a fine brotha and can fuck like no other. But, there is only ONE Monty and that is who I’m in love with. Yes, this is your baby, but I wasn’t planning on telling you that because I wanted so badly for this baby to be Monty’s.”
“What do you mean, you weren’t going to tell me?” Rico asked while raising his voice.
“Rico, do you remember the first time we spoke with each other? You told me Monty was passing on the torch soon and that you were going to be taking his place eventually. Well, I was real happy to hear he was going to be leaving those other bitches alone. But, I never, not once, felt like I was one of them. I didn’t wanna wait for Monty to pass on the torch because you could help me out sooner rather than later. So, calling you over was a not a test for you but a test for me, because it was certain things I wanted to accomplish. And, thanks to you, I have.”
“You are one dirty muthafuckin’ broad.”
“Yep, and I fucked you so good, you never thought about using a condom. But, my whole plan was to get pregnant and hold on to Monty. I’m sorry that walking in his shoes hasn’t been fun for you.”
“Wow, Monica, you have really played me, and to think that I was really starting to fall for you.”
“See, a real man knows not to fall in love with someone he ultimately doesn’t wanna be with. And, a weak man… Well, let’s just say that they can’t control their feelings. They fall for the most wanted thing in the world, great pussy,” Monica said with a smug and very harsh tone of voice.
“Bitch, please!” Rico couldn’t believe his ears.
“Listen, I’ma have this baby and I don’t need you around to help me take care of it. Even when results show Monty is not the father, I’ll be cool with that because his little Candy isn’t going to feel the same way about him anymore, anyway. So, it’s all good, baby. Trust me, it’s all good.”
“You really are one cold hearted bitch,” Rico said candidly.
“I’ve been told that once or twice in my lifetime.” Monica was still trying to get to Rico by hurting his feelings.
“Well, too bad, bitch. Change of plans. I’m about to call Monty right now and tell him the truth.”
“Aww…” Monica said, trying to be funny. “Are you going to tell your best friend you took over the torch before he even passed it on to you, all behind his back? Yeah, he’ll know just what kind of back stabbing friend he’s got. Go ahead! Tell him! You won’t be hurting me, but more like hurting your relationship with him. Look at it this way, you played Monty and I played you. Now, those were some strategic moves that no one saw coming.”
“Bitch, please! He don’t care about yo’ no good ass. If you knew Monty at all, then you’d know he just wanted to rack up on your money, and you’re the dumbest bitch of them all to give him that much loot in so little time. Monty already has a woman. And, trust this, bitch, it ain’t you! Here you go trying to get pregnant by me so you can put my child on my best friend. Guess what? He already has a baby of his own that’s due at any time now. You might think that you’re smart and that you used me for your advantage. But, really, you’re hurting yourself. Every time you look at your child, it won’t be Monty’s face you see, but more like mine. So, more power to you. You can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy what I gave you. In reality, your plan ain’t gonna work.”
“Not yet, anyway. But, it will work, and the motive, I’m still working on it. So, Daddy…” said Monica with sarcasm, “go fuck yourself because you will never get any more of this great pussy! See ya, you wanna be.” Monica hung up the phone in Rico’s face as he sat there pissed off. He thought about revealing the truth to Monty before he ruined his relationship with Candy.
Monty pulled up to his house as he saw Nancy’s car parked in the driveway. He began to smile because he was so happy to know she was back. But, inside he was hurting. He would hate for Monica to ruin his relationship with the woman who he really wanted to be with. He got out of his car and his phone began to ring. He looke
d down at it and saw that it was Rico calling. “What’s up, man? Are you straight?” Monty asked.
“Yeah, man, I’m good. I just need to tell you something important but, maybe I should do it face to face,” Rico explained as he was a little nervous about telling Monty the truth.
“Don’t worry about it, man. I’m pretty sure that whatever it is, it can wait because guess what?” Monty asked anxiously.
“I’m about to walk in the house and see my baby’s mama.”
“Oh, is Candy back home?”
“Yeah, her mama’s car is parked in the yard. Whatever you wanna talk about, we’ll discuss it tomorrow, okay?” Monty stuck his key in the door knob.
“That’s cool, man. Have fun. Tell Candy I asked about her. And, please, don’t tell her anything that Monica said. It’s not necessary as long as you know it’s not true. Just hold off until much later. We’ll figure something else out,” Rico stated since he decided to tell Monty the truth the next day when they got together.
“Alright,” said Monty. “I’ll holla at ya later.” Monty hung up the phone and walked in the house while a very pregnant and pretty Candy was standing there with a smile on her face, waiting on her man.
“Damn, baby, I’ve missed you like crazy.” Monty immediately walked over and gave Candy a big hug. He looked up at Mona, who was shaking her head from side to side.
“Hey, baby! We’ve missed you, too,” Candy said as Monty kissed on her big, round belly.
“You’ve made me the happiest man in the world. I’m glad to have you back home with us.” Monty smiled from ear to ear. “Look at her, Mona. Don’t my baby look good?”
“Yeah, I must say that she does.” Mona smiled as Monty grabbed Candy’s hand and walked her upstairs to his room.
Chapter Twenty-one
Monty woke up the following morning with a smile on his face as Candy lay beside him while still sound asleep. Monty got up and kissed Candy on the forehead before he slipped on his O dogs and walked into the restroom to freshen up. He got his toothbrush and spread some toothpaste all over it. He looked in the mirror while brushing his teeth, then began to think.
I’m so happy Candy’s back home with me. But, I just don’t know if I could tell her about Monica, though. I mean, she’s my ex and I was with her on my birthday, and then I continued to kick it with her even after Candy was gone. I do know in my heart Monica’s baby is not mine, but it’ll still break Candy’s heart to know I’d been messing around with an ex of mine all that time. That’s the main thing I’m afraid of. I can’t let Candy find out that we were messing around. I need to talk to Monica and try to see if I can persuade her to just stay out of my life, even if that means being nice to her.
Monty rinsed out his mouth and rinsed his face off with warm water. He looked up in the mirror at a very confused man. Damn, what am I going to do? He exited the bathroom and peeked in on Candy, who was still asleep. He smiled at just the beauty of her lying on her back with that big belly sitting up in the air. That’s my baby, Monty thought, both of my babies.
Monty walked downstairs while the house was quiet as a mouse. He peeked out the window and saw his mom’s car was gone. Hmm, she didn’t have to work this morning. He walked into the kitchen and read the note left on the refrigerator.
Mona and I went to the Flea Market. I cooked breakfast for you and Candy. It’s in the oven. Tell her I’ll be back to see her later. I love you both, Your Mama.
Monty smiled as he opened up the oven and the smell of a good, home cooked breakfast hit him in the face. He looked over at the time. Damn, it’s already noon. Candy and I did stay up until about five this morning catching up. He smiled, and then removed their plates and decided to take Candy’s upstairs to her because he believed she deserved that and more. However, he sat down to eat his while thinking of a plan for Monica. Once he was done, Monty walked up the stairs with Candy’s plate in his hand and a cup of orange juice in the other. He pushed the door open with his foot and entered.
“Wake up, sleepy head. Get up,” said Monty as he sat the plate over on the nightstand. Candy rose, sat up, and stretched her arms out. She looked over at Monty and smiled. He smiled back at her since he was so happy to have her there with him. “Look what I have for you, breakfast in bed.”
“Did you cook breakfast?” Candy asked as she reached over and got the plate off of the nightstand.
“I wish I could take credit for this delicious breakfast, but the truth is, Mrs. Catherine Banks cooked it. It’s very good, too. I got you some orange juice, too,” Monty replied. He kissed her on the forehead as he handed her the orange juice.
“Thank you, baby, but I haven’t even washed up yet.”
“You don’t need to, because you’re beautiful no matter what.”
“Well, thanks again, baby, but I need to at least brush up.”
“Just feed our son and I’ll go make sure you have a toothbrush when you’re done.” Candy looked down at the good smelling food. “This breakfast sure is good.” Candy mixed her eggs, grits, and bacon together, and then ate. She looked up at Monty, who was just sitting on the side of the bed watching her with a big smile on his face. He still turned her on, even more so now that she missed him so much. His pretty white teeth and wavy low cut was just part of it. His smooth skin and sexy slanted eyes were very serious and she loved it. She looked back down at her food and continued to eat. “Baby, if you don’t mind, would you please fix me a glass of water because orange juice gives me acid reflux,” Candy stated as she was still munching on her breakfast.
“Yeah, baby, I didn’t know you had acid reflux.”
“Well, I didn’t until I got pregnant with this big head kid.” Candy laughed.
“Don’t be talking about my boy like that.” Monty walked out the room and headed back downstairs to fix Candy a glass of water. Just as he hit the bottom stair, Monty’s phone rang. He looked down and saw that it was a call from Rico, so he answered it.
“What’s up, man? Is things better today?” Monty asked as he prepared the glass of water.
“Yeah, man. But, it’ll be much better when I talk to you,” said Rico. “Can you get out for awhile? I need to talk to you. This won’t be long. You can tell Candy you’ll come right back as soon as I talk to you about this problem I have.”
“Problem? This shit sound a little serious. Gimme about an hour and I’ll be over, okay?” said Monty. Monty walked back upstairs and sat on the bed next to Candy as he gave her the cold glass of water. “Hey, baby, I just wanted you to know Rico has something that he wants to discuss with me and it sounds very important. You know I’m very happy to have you home, but I just need to holla at him for a little while. Is that alright with you or do you need me to stay with you?” Monty asked as he waited for Candy to give him an answer.
“Baby, go see what Rico wants. I need to run to my house, anyway. I feel like I’m going to have this baby any day. So, I need to make sure I’m packed and ready to go.” Candy leaned over and kissed Monty on his soft lips.
“Are you sure, baby? You look like you need my help packing and making sure everything is taken care of, because this belly ain’t gonna let you do nothing.” Monty rubbed on her stomach.
“I’m sure, baby. Rico needs you so go and tell him I said hi. Just stop by my house when you leave his crib, okay?”
Monty put on his jeans quickly, and then kissed Candy on the lips again before he walked toward the door. He turned around and looked at her. “I do love you, baby. I meant it when I told you last night that all that running in the streets with my pawns is over. You can trust me this time. I won’t let you down, okay?”
“I believe you,” Candy replied.
Monty walked down the stairs, exited, and then headed over to Rico’s house.
Monty pulled up as Rico came out and immediately got in the Tahoe. “What’s up, man?” Monty asked as he looked over at Rico, who appeared very worried.
“I’m just glad you came over so I can get some things off of my chest. You don’t mind driving to the store, do you? I need to get moms some apple juice and me a couple of cigars,” Rico spoke quickly.
“Naw, man. That’s cool.” Monty pulled off to go to the store. “So, what’s on your mind?”
“Well, you know we’ve been friends for a long time now, and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, right?” Rico asked just as Monty stopped at the red light. He looked over and noticed Bruce had pulled up beside them and was pointing his finger at them. But, he sped off as the light turned green.
“Damn, what is his problem?” Monty asked. “I feel trouble today, man. Something ain’t right. Bruce’s big ass keeps fucking with me. I don’t know why. I don’t want his woman. I ain’t even fucking with that bitch no more. I wish he’ll go ‘head on before I end up busting a cap in his fat ass. I ain’t gonna let his ugly ass hurt me first.”
“Bruce is just being Bruce. He ain’t gonna fuck with nobody. He just got a lot of weight and mouth. Fuck his punk ass!”
“That bitch made me forget my train of thought.” Monty scratched his head.
“Yeah, mine, too. I forgot what the hell we were even talking about.”
“Yeah, well, we can stop to the store now. I’ma get on out and get the apple juice and the cigars because I need to go on the side of the building and take a leak before I pull my shit out right here.”
“Well, I don’t want you to do that. So, hurry up, man. I’m ready to smoke one, anyway. I need to tell you about the night I had and the shit that went on.”
Monty got out the Tahoe and walked to the side of the building to take a leak. He then walked in the store and paid for the apple juice and the cigars. He was feeling a little uneasy for some reason. He turned to walk out of the store and straight to his vehicle, but before he could make it to the Tahoe, the sound of gunshots rang out in his ear very loud and clear. Monty fell to the ground, unaware of what really happened. The sound was so deafening that everyone in the store hit the floor. Then, the clerk stood to her feet and peeped out of the window before continuing to scream out loud.