CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk) Page 3
“Damn! I feel ya. I’ve heard about Candy’s mama beating the shit out of Shay’s mama over her husband and I thought that was rather funny. I see she means business. Well, you ain’t gotta worry about me fucking with Candy no more, not like that. It’s clear she wants you anyway, man.” Rico paused. “Damn, so Candy ain’t but seventeen years old, huh? I didn’t know that shit. I thought she was at least eighteen going on nineteen by now since they graduated this year,” Rico said as he shook his head from side to side in a disappointed kind of way. “Ain’t Mona nineteen already?”
“Naw man, Mona won’t be nineteen until next year, and I just let Candy shake her ass on my dick just to ease her nerve. She’s been wanting me to hit that for couple of years, but I don’t wanna get with her right now because I’ll blow her lil’ young ass mind. She ain’t giving that up, anyway. She’s really just a shit talker. That’s all. Trust me. Anyway, she and Mona are off limits to your ass. You got me?”
“Yeah, man. I just asked about Candy because you’re always acting like you don’t want her and she got mad body. The gurl is fine as hell with them eyes that’s mind blowing. I would take her or your sister, but you put a block on your fine ass sister a long time ago,” Rico continued, and then headed toward the dance floor. “I’ll holla at ya bruh.”
“That’s cool. I’ll be right here making sure these two don’t get into anything.” Monty watched Candy, but she couldn’t tell who he was looking at with his dark shades on.
“Are you rolling tonight?” Mona asked as she waved Monty over to the table.
“I’m flying, rolling, and floating tonight.”
“Oh, so you on them Skittles tonight, huh?” Candy asked as she began to smile.
“Yep, I am. And, it’s too bad you two are too young to be playing around with that shit.”
“Whatever!” Candy said as she downed her drink with one gulp. “I’ll show you who’s too young. What’s up?”
“Ain’t nothing up, Candy. I keep telling you that you ain’t my type, so quit trying me like that. Hey, Trina.” Monty flagged her over. “Bring me another Hennessy on the rocks.”
“Oh, I forgot you on that independent woman bullshit. And, I see you done got yourself a new whip. It must be nice. I always loved them Monte Carlos, though. What year is that?” Candy asked as she was trying to start a normal conversation for a change.
“It’s an ‘02, but it’s mad clean on the outside and the inside, and it’s paid for. So, a brotha can’t complain.”
“Yeah, I feel ya,” Candy said just as Chingy featuring Amerie, Fly Like Me came on. “Ooh, that’s my shit. I’ma go out on the dance floor, Mona, because you ain’t never seen a gurl look so fly like me. Are you coming?”
“Yeah, let’s go. I see Ross standing over there, anyway, and I wanna tell him something.”
“Tell him what? Maybe you’ll finally tell him that you like him as much as he likes you.” Candy grabbed Mona’s hand and headed toward the dance floor while once again, squeezing through the hyped crowd.
Monty stood in one spot, leaning up against the rails as he looked down and watched Mona and Candy mingle. Rico grabbed Candy by the hand and pulled her on the dance floor as they slow grinded on each other to the Ying Yang Twins, Bedroom Boom. Monty began to find himself becoming a little jealous as he watched them all over each other.
“Hey, stranger, what’s up?” a soft spoken voice asked as a sexy woman tapped him from behind and got up in Monty’s face. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“I know, lady. I’ve been kinda busy lately. What? You got something for daddy, because daddy always got something for you,” Monty said as he flashed his million dollar, pearly white teeth.
“I bet you do with your fine ass,” said Melanie. “Damn, Monty, you look so good. I just wanna fuck you right here, right now. I’ve been dreaming about that big ass dick ever since I last saw you. I gotta tell ya, you really know how to please a woman. When can I see you again?” she asked as she stood so close to Monty that her lips almost touched his.
“Damn, baby. Back up a lil’ bit. I love sticking my dick in that hot pussy of yours, but you know what I want, right?” Monty questioned, staring nonstop into Melanie’s eyes.
“I got $300 on me right now if you would take me behind the building and bend me over for a quickie. That’s how bad I want you. Just let me feel your fingers rubbing through my pussy hairs. I believe that shit might make me cum,” Melanie said, squirming for some kind of interaction with him.
“I tell you what. Here’s my table,” he replied and pointed. If you wanna sit next to me, I’ll please you right quick. But, I gotta take the whole $300, though, because I got shit to do and you can get the dick when you got the full $500 up front. What about that, baby?” Monty asked as he stood there with confidence that she would agree to the arrangement.
“What are you waiting for? Let’s go.” Melanie grabbed his hand and quickly walked him over to his table.
“Oh yeah, right there, Monty. Just keep rubbing my clit. Right there,” Melanie moaned as Monty ran his fingers through her pussy hairs, and then slid them deep inside her wet, juicy hole.
Monty’s dick got rock hard as he pleased Melanie, but he didn’t want to fuck her because he was serious about his money and she was already $200 short. Interestingly, Monty imagined he was playing in Candy’s pearl, and before he knew it, he snapped back into reality.
“Ooohh,” moaned Melanie. “Oh… oh shit… oh shit… I’m cumming.” Melanie released the words out of her mouth as she grabbed hold of Monty’s arm, her body shaking. Her goods exploded all over his fingers. Monty just smiled at her because, as usual, she was another satisfied pawn and he didn’t even have to take out his dick.
“You can sit here if you want. I’m about to go wash my hands,” he said as he stood up and straightened his LRGs out since his pants was showing his dick print. “Damn, gurl. You got my shit hard as hell.”
“Well, here is your money, baby.” Melanie handed Monty the three hundred dollars. “If you come by the house next week when Markus is gone, then I’ll let you hit his stash up for at least an extra $200. That’s just because I’m short this time and you always deserve it.”
“Sounds good to me, and so you know I’ll be expecting seven when I come over, right?” Monty asked as he put the money in his pocket.
“Yeah, you know that’s cool with me because you keep me happy. As long as you continue to do that, then I’ll keep you happy.”
“You betta hope your husband don’t ever find out about your extracurricular activities,” Monty stated, joking around.
“I ain’t worried about him. That law firm keeps him working all the time, and those big salary checks always hit my hands first because I get to the bank way before he does. I spend big and he doesn’t ever miss anything. But, I be missing you, Monty. Please tell me that you’ll come next week.”
“I’ll come next week for you. I mean literally, I’ll cum.” He walked off, cool as ever, heading toward the men’s restroom. Candy came out of nowhere and grabbed him by the hand, but he snatched it back quickly. “Wait a minute, gurl,” Monty quickly said.
“Eww! Your hand feels sticky,” Candy said as she followed him down by the restrooms.
“I spilled my drink and I’m about to go wash my hands now. Gone and wash yours, too, before that liquor start to smell on you. You know how you like to put on that lip gloss of yours.”
“Yeah, I know, right. I’ll meet you back out here, okay.” Candy walked inside of the women’s restroom. She walked over to the sink and began to wash her hands. She looked in the mirror to make sure her face was still flawless and her lip gloss continued to shine. She smiled because she thought the night was only going to get better. She walked out of the restroom and to her surprise, Monty was standing there waiting for her. “Wow, I didn’t expect to see you.”
“I just figured that you needed some assistance getting back to the table. I know you’re feeling good and
I don’t want to be responsible for anything happening to you. You know you’re very outspoken when you’re on that alcohol.” Monty grinned, and began to lead the way back to the VIP section.
“Are you done drinking for the night? Because, I’m about to order another Hennessy on rocks,” Monty asked Candy as he called Trina back over.
“Yeah, order me another Incredible Hulk and that’s going to be it for me tonight. Nigga, you done had about five cups of Hennessy already. You betta slow down before your sister be driving your ass home later,” she replied, simply enjoying having a decent conversation with Monty. She sat there very amused by him because he was not teasing her and it felt so right. She had been feeling Monty ever since she could remember. He was her first crush and she wasn’t even a teenager yet. Since she was of age, her only thoughts and dreams were to make him see her for who she really was - a genuine woman who really cared for him.
“Where is Mona, anyway?” Monty looked around the club.
“She’s over there talking to Ross,” Candy answered as she pointed in the crowd. “She’s enjoying herself, so don’t worry about her.”
“Oh, it’s all good. I like my man, Ross. He’s a real cool cat. I’d rather see her talking to him than some old bitch ass nigga just out for some pussy.”
“Well, you must not be a bitch ass nigga. You ain’t asked for my pussy, yet, and I been throwing it in your face for a long time, now. It kinda turns me on though, because I know there’s nothing wrong with me even though you try and act like it is. But, really, you’re just being a gentleman and I like it,” Candy explained while blushing.
“Yeah, whatever makes you feel betta,” Monty responded like he was trying to throw Candy off again as if he was not interested in her.
“Whatever!” Candy said, and then downed her drink. She looked over at Monty who also downed his. They sat there staring at each other just as the lights came on.
“Damn! The party is over already?” Monty quickly put his shades back on.
“Yes, it is. Come on, let’s go before the crowd smothers the door.” Candy grabbed Monty’s hand as they eased their way over to the door through the thick crowd.
“Where is Mona?” Monty asked, staggering a little bit from all that Hennessy.
“She’s already in my car. See, right over there. We parked right next to you.” Candy pointed in the direction of the automobiles.
“Now I see her.” Monty walked up to his car. “What’s up, little sister? Are you alright?”
“I’m good, Monty. But, you look like you need a driver tonight,” Mona said as she got out of the Beetle.
“Mona, you can drive your brother home tonight and I’ll follow y’all to the crib.” Candy leaned over on Monty.
“No. Let me drive your car somewhere right quick. You can drive Monty home and I’ll meet y’all there in a little bit,” Mona explained as she winked at Candy.
“No, Mo, I don’t wanna hear Monty’s mouth clowning on me the whole way to y’all house. I ain’t in the mood for that shit because I feel too good tonight.”
“What you talking about?” Monty asked as he calmly got inside his car and sat down on the passenger side. “Come on, Candy, and take me home. I’ll be good. I won’t trash your stankin’ ass.” Candy looked over at him and frowned.
“I guess I should take my future husband on home then, since he insisted,” said Candy. She was very happy Monty wanted her to drive his sporty Monte Carlo. “We’ll meet you at your crib, Mona, whenever you get there.”
“Okay.” Mona got in Candy’s car and cranked it up. “Did you see Karen and Big Bruce in there, Monty? I was watching his ass just to make sure that he didn’t try anything. I know it’s been a few weeks ago since the confrontation. But, still, we should always be alert around him,” Mona reported.
“I feel you. But I didn’t see his big ass in there and I didn’t care to, either. He’ll be alright, and Karen will be, too. We’ll meet you at the crib though and be careful, big head, while you’re out. Get in, skinny minny. Let’s roll!” Monty said before he turned up his booming CD player. Candy got in, popped Monty on the arm, then cranked up the car and slowly followed Mona out of the parking lot area. They headed in different directions. Candy smiled at just the thought of spending some kind of time with Monty alone.
“I ain’t skinny, asshole. I’m fine and you know this.” She drove toward the Waffle House.
Chapter Three
Candy and Monty pulled up in front of his crib as they decided to sit in the car to wait for Mona. Candy grabbed the Waffle House bag from the back seat and took out her food. She looked over at Monty, who was knocked out, as she began to eat her grits and cheese eggs scrambled hard. She took a piece of bacon and waved it back and forth in front of Monty’s nose as he gradually began to shake off his sluggish mood.
“Candy, I just want you to know I only be talking shit to you because I know you like that. I just like messing with you because you like messing with me, but please don’t ever take that shit seriously,” Monty said. He smiled at Candy who had a mouth full grits.
“You must not be feeling well,” she replied, shocked by Monty’s kind words. “I can’t believe what I’m hearing.”
“Well, believe it, because it’s the truth. You are a very pretty girl, and I wouldn’t mind having someone like you on my team, but you ain’t ready for that,” he continued, then turned on his visor light and flipped through his CD book.
“You right about that. I ain’t ready to be on your team, but I wouldn’t mind being your girl.”
“It’s not that simple, Candy. I wish it was. But, I don’t want to turn you out before your time. Trust me, this is too much for you to handle.” Monty grinned.
“Too much to handle, huh? What?” Candy laughed it off. “I can handle anything that I wanna handle. I know you got a big dick because females talk. But, I ain’t scared to fuck you,” Candy said, feeling herself from drinking a little too much Hypnotic and Hennessy.
“Really?” Monty replied.
“I can’t lie, Monty. You are a sexy ass man and always have been to me. I see why all the women flock around you. You’re a genuinely good guy with a great personality and a great smile. You got the charm, good looks, and all the game in the world. Your cocoa smooth skin just turns a sister on and when you walk around with no shirt on… let’s just say I have to control myself. Your six pack and biceps are something serious. It ain’t too much, it’s just right. Who in the hell could resist such a man? I’m glad that you ain’t never stuck your dick in me because you would have to stop all that fucking around and just chill out with that shit. I wouldn’t be too thrilled to know that I’m sharing you with other women. If you were mine, then I wouldn’t want to be with no other man.”
“That all sounds good and shit, but, in reality, I haven’t run up on a chick that makes me wanna just be with them. Pussy is good. Hell… I take that back, pussy is great and I love it, but ain’t none good enough for me to just wanna settle down. So, for your sake, talking shit and clowning around with each other is about all we need to be doing. I wouldn’t even wanna hurt you like that.” Monty stared into Candy’s eyes.
“Thanks for looking out for me. But, I’m grown and I can take care of my own feelings. You see, it’s more than just about good pussy. It’s about the one that makes you smile and tingle on the inside. It’s about the one who touches your soul and warms your heart when you are thinking about her. That within itself makes the pussy great because of the feelings you have for her.”
“You said a mouth full then and I can agree with that, but I’ve never felt that way about anyone before and, if I have, it was a long time ago and I don’t care to recall that time in my life. If I told you something, would you keep it between you and me?” Monty asked, getting serious.
“You still don’t get it, do you? You can trust me, Monty. I won’t say a word.” Candy was anxious to hear what Monty had to say.
“Well, you might not like me as m
uch when you hear this. But, my pawns, rather women, pay me just to please them.”
“Stop lying, Monty. Are you serious?” Candy asked as she began to laugh. Candy went in her pocket and pulled out a fifty dollar bill. “What’s up, then?”
“What you mean, what’s up? Girl, you don’t have a clue. If I stick my dick in somebody, she gonna have to come out the pocket with at least five hundred. This shit is potent,” Monty boosted as he grabbed his swollen dick. “You see that?” He looked over at Candy, who was speechless. “This shit gone cost ya.”
“So, you are for real. Well, damn, Monty. I didn’t know you had it like that. I would’ve been paid for some of that action,” Candy said, smiling. “Can I at least touch it? To see if it’s real.”
“Go head. It’s all real. Ain’t nothing fake about me,” Monty answered. Then, Candy reached over and grabbed it. Monty’s dick swole up even bigger since he was aroused by Candy’s touch. “Alright now, that’s enough before you start something that you can’t handle. And, we wouldn’t want that, would we?”