CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk) Page 8
“I see you’re jamming in here.” Monty entered and sat down in the front room. He looked around and noticed a big family portrait of Nancy, Will, and Candy on the wall. The family looked so good together, and he could tell where Candy got her deep dimples from as he looked closer at Nancy.
The front room was nice with a black loveseat and a black recliner chair in it. There was a very tall, green potted plant sitting in the corner by a big grandfather clock. The bar took up most of the space, but that was what gave the room its appeal. The room felt peaceful, and Monty laid his head back on the loveseat.
“Did you want a small glass of Hennessy?” Candy asked, and then walked over to the bar. “My daddy has everything to drink, although his specialty is Crown Royal.” Candy began to smile.
“Yeah, that sounds good to me. Do you want to smoke with me? We can go out in the garage.”
“You can just fire it up right here. By the time my parents come back, the smell will be gone. And, yes, I would love to hit that shit.”
“Are you sure about that? I don’t want Will or Nancy tripping out on me when they come home.”
“Don’t sweat it. It’s all good and they will never know,” said Candy as she picked up one of Will’s lighters off of the bar and lit it up as Monty gently held the blunt in his mouth. Candy walked back over to the bar, and then returned with Monty’s drink in one hand and her vodka and cranberry juice in the other hand. They sat there smoking and drinking as they both were feeling each other out. Then, Monty smoothly reached over and placed one hand on Candy’s thigh, and he began to rub it slowly.
“So, what do you want to do tonight?” Candy was high and woozy from smoking and drinking.
“It’s whatever you want to do. If you wanna chill, we can chill. If you wanna continue to drink and smoke, then we can do that. If you want to wait on Mona and Rico before you decide what you wanna do next, then that’s cool with me, too. It’s your birthday, so your wish is my command.” Monty grinned.
“What if I told you I want you to make love to me, but give me more of yourself than you give other women?” Candy looked directly in his eyes.
Monty was speechless. He wanted to make love to her so bad, but knew he couldn’t give her what she really wanted. He then looked up at her and couldn’t resist her sexy, bright eyes as they seduced him.
“I might be able to accommodate you on that,” Monty mumbled before he realized it.
“What? Did you say that you might just give me what I’ve been asking for all these years?” Candy was surprised to be hearing those words come out of his mouth.
“I don’t wanna spoil the mood, but I need to be up front with you,” he said while making himself more comfortable. “I don’t have a problem with fulfilling your request for my love and attention, but I can’t stop what I’m doing just like that. You see, I have plans I’m working on so I got to handle my business. I don’t need you being jealous of me messing around, even though it means nothing to me. The women I fuck are very aware of this. Truth is, if you fall in love with me and I continue doing what I’m doing, you’re going to get hurt. I already told you I don’t want to hurt you. You may not want to sleep with me now, do you?” Monty dropped his head down.
“Monty, I already like you and I have for a long time now. I wake up, just as I fall asleep, with you on my mind. I understand your ways and how you handle your business in the streets. I can’t say that I like it, but I like you so that makes it a little easier for me. You have never touched me like you did tonight, and being that close to you felt like a dream come true. Nothing can spoil this for me. I just want you and I know that you want me, so let’s not dwell on what you do out in the streets, but what you’re about to do right now with me.” Candy leaned in and kissed Monty passionately.
Monty felt the softness of Candy’s lips and he didn’t want to stop. He enjoyed that form of intimacy, even though he rarely did it. Candy continued like a professional and Monty loved every minute of it until the doorbell rang.
“Damn! That sister of mine will fuck up a wet dream,” Monty said as he stood up quickly to get himself together. Candy laughed, then got up, walked over to the door, and peeped through the peephole.
“It’s Mona.” She looked back at Monty and continued laughing while opening the door. Mona was standing there giggling and just handed Candy the bag with the food in it.
“Gurl, I’m ‘bout to go handle some business, and I’ll be back over later when I’m done,” she said.
“Are you straight, gurl?”
“Yeah, I’m just high as hell. I can’t come down off of this shit. Everything is muthafuckin’ funny to me,” said Mona as she continued to giggle. Monty got up and walked to the door. He saw Rico, who was sitting in his car. Monty then looked over at Mona.
“You sure you know what you’re doing? Where are you about to go?” Monty looked at Mona with a little concern.
“Big bruh, I ain’t no baby. Rico and I are going to the River Walk and chill out up under the stars. Aren’t they beautiful?” Mona pointed up to the sky. “I’m just not ready to come inside of the house yet. I’m feeling too good.”
“You look like it,” Monty replied, and then walked over to the car while checking out Rico’s shiny 22” rims. “What’s up, Rico man? Where are you taking my lil’ sister to?” Monty got inside the car.
“Hell, I wanted to chill here, but she wants to ride out. She wants to go to the River Walk, so that’s where I’m taking her. I’m just chilling because I really do like her,” Rico explained before he bit into his Waffle House burger. “Shit, I’m hungry as hell.”
“I see. Well, y’all be careful, whatever y’all do. I’m going to chill out here for awhile,” Monty said as he got another text message.
I got $850… Paris.
Looking down at his cell phone, Monty shook his head from side to side. “This muthafucka be trippin' here.”
“Who is that? You ain’t run up on a psychopath, have you?” Rico asked.
“I hope not, but I do think she’s getting a little too attached. I don’t know. I think she’s the type that would leave her husband thinking that she could be with me. You already know that I ain’t with that shit. I’m just going to have to cut her ass loose.” Monty gave Rico dap, got out of the car, and began to walk back up in the yard.
“Do what you gotta do, bruh. You know what’s best and you know how you handle yours, right?”
“I know, man. I know,” Monty said as he playfully hit Mona upside the head, and then walked back inside, passing Candy. He smiled at her.
“Alright, Mona, you betta go sit your crazy ass down somewhere and chill out. Tell Rico to park that car and y’all talk or whatever y’all gone do. I will be expecting you back here later. Okay. I love you,” Candy said as she gave Mona a hug.
“Happy birthday, Candy Gurl,” Mona blurted jokingly as she released the embrace. She used to always call her Candy Gurl because of the song New Edition sang back in the days.
“I love you, too.”
Candy went back into the house and looked around for Monty, who has just flushed the commode in the bathroom that was located down the hall. She walked passed the living room area into the entertainment room, and then turned the stereo up a little to hear Silk’s Alibi. She headed down the hallway singing the lyrics, Gimmie me some more, more, more… and met Monty as he came out of the bathroom.
“Let’s go into my bedroom,” Candy said as she pulled Monty by the hand. He followed her, watching her ass jiggle.
This gurl is mad thick for her age, and got it in all the right places, Monty thought to himself.
Damn, am I about to do this? I don’t even know if I’m really ready for Monty, yet, Candy silently pondered while they approached her bedroom door. She opened it.
Monty thought it was very big and real cute, colored in lime green, yellow, and white. Her walls had a combination of yellow and lime green, but it wasn’t fully mixed to form one color. He thought, different.
He could clearly see it showed a very different side to her. Monty smiled as he looked around at her layout. She had a king sized bed with a pretty yellow and white plush comforter set on it. There were lime green and yellow panels, and two nice sized sophisticated paintings on the wall. One was directly over her bed and the other was placed between the two bay windows. Over on her nightstand was another family portrait of them with a different pose from the one hanging in the front room.
“It’s very nice in here.” Monty moved over toward the bed as he continued to hold her hand until they both sat down. “You sure you got enough pillows?” Monty leaned back on his elbows to rest. “How many you got here?”
“I got eight, but I need about four more for this big ole bed.” Candy smiled, however, she caught butterflies and was trying to somehow shake them off.
“I think this is enough for now.” Monty picked one up and gently hit Candy with it. “Why is your bed so big, anyway? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like your room and how you got it set up. It honestly shows a calmer, softer, sweeter side, but you don’t need all this space, do you?”
“I sleep wild and I like to have a whole lotta room.” Candy looked around and laughed.
“You’re right about that. I bet it’s larger than your parents’ room, isn’t it?”
“It is, but all the rooms in this house are big. And, I just don’t settle for something big, I like everything bigger. So, my pops extended the square feet and put in a nice ass bathroom during the time he added the private deck in the backyard out by the pool. My mama didn’t care for him doing it, but I just mentioned it and he did it. She was really trippin’ because we now have four full bathrooms and she just felt like that was a bit too much,” Candy explained, and then lay her head on Monty’s chest since his head rested on one of the big pillows.
“Your dad always spoiled your ass, but I can’t talk because our pops did the same when he was alive. He took care of home and moms didn’t ever have to work. He made sure we lived comfortably in this nice neighborhood, went to the best schools, ate like fat pigs, and was able to just enjoy living. Things were so much easier for us when he was alive, especially for my moms and Mona. I miss him more than you know, but I bet they miss him so much more. That’s the main reason why I do what I do, and I need you to understand that before we make any serious moves that you might regret later.”
“If I paid you, would that make you feel better?” Candy asked.
“No, it wouldn’t. I’ve never even looked at you in that way. I like you and you ain’t them. I don’t like them like that. You gotta understand me and how I am before you could know where I’m coming from. Please, don’t mention this to Mona. But, I’ve already paid for her first year of school and I’m working on paying for the second. My pops had all of that taken care of, but when he died my mama couldn’t keep it all together for some reason. I don’t know if it was because her back bone was gone, but she started shopping like crazy to ease her pain and got into gambling. She had to borrow money on the house to pay off her debts. She even emptied me and my sister’s bank accounts. Then, one day she realized that she had lost it all; I mean everything, and we had to start all over from scratch,” Monty said as he scratched his head. “But, I love my mama and I understood that she lost her best friend and her husband. You just never know what you’ll do in that kind of situation, especially after being with someone for so many years.” Candy lay there as he had her full attention. She continued to listen. “Look, Candy, I wanna do this, but I don’t. I don’t want to mess up the relationship between the two of us.” Monty sat up like he was about to leave.
“Hold on, Monty, don’t leave.” Candy gently pushed him back against the bed. “I do understand where you’re coming from. I think it’s a great thing what you’ve done for Mona, because she did tell me that her financial aid was all messed up and it would be awhile before she could get it. I don’t know what be up with that kind of stuff. My daddy paid for my schooling years ago. I do appreciate knowing that you’ve stepped up to take on the lead role, and, for that, I will be able to accept you doing you, if that’s what it takes. We don’t have to be all committed to each other. Let’s just roll with it and see where it goes.” Candy kissed Monty’s soft lips and he couldn’t resist her touch for some reason.
She’s soft as hell, he thought to himself as Candy got on top of him and grinded against his dick. She started to kiss him around his neck and Monty lay back, relaxed, and enjoyed the things she was doing to him. Damn, Candy is serious to be eighteen. She has a smoother touch than the older women I fuck around with, he continued thinking while she tongue teased him real good.
What am I suppose to do now? Candy thought as she took Monty’s shirt off. She remembered all the flicks she’d enjoyed over the years, and how she learned most of her skills from the freakiest people alive. She watched, observed, and imitated ideas, but only when she was alone. She never had an actual partner because her daddy always taught her to be her own woman, to satisfy her own needs, and that she didn’t need a man for anything until she got married. So, that’s what she’d done up until that point.
Monty came out of his shirt. His biceps bulged and strong arms hugged Candy around her waist. He sat up with her on his lap and her legs wrapped around his back. They kissed each other like there was no tomorrow while he smoothly unzipped the back of Candy’s dress. He slid it down right off of her. He was immediately turned on by the lacy yellow bra and panties she was wearing, so he stood straight up, holding onto Candy’s soft ass. He then flipped her over, reversing positions. Slowly, Monty lay on top of her and kissed on her stomach while gently touching her breast. He made her want him more, but stood up and watched her. She watched him as she was anxious for what would happen next.
Damn, she’s hot and is turning me on like crazy, he thought.
He’s fine as hell and I want him bad. Please, hurry up, Candy thought as she watched Monty strip down to his blue plaid Hanes boxer shorts.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he questioned her.
“Yes. Don’t stop now,” Candy answered, and then watched Monty become fully naked. His body was like a perfect statue of caramel color, but she gasped when she saw the package he was carrying and she thought to herself, I hope he can’t tell I’m a virgin. I think I’ve played with myself enough. But, my GOD! That thang is hung!
Monty then slid her yellow panties off and unhooked her bra as he pressed up against her body, kissing around her neck. Candy felt as though she was in paradise, feeling Monty’s touch. It sent chills up her spine. His finger played in and around her inviting hole as he was trying to loosen her up. She grabbed his back when he eased his dick inside of her pearl. Gently, he stroked her while smoothly sucking and softly caressing her breast. Her nails dug deep down in his skin just as he went deeper inside her wet, hot, virgin pussy, and she moaned softly, taking it in. He wasn’t even halfway in as he felt her body tremble and her soft seductive voice whispered his name. She hugged him tight as he was only able to head fuck her, but he loved it and it was some of the best pussy he had ever received.
“Are you alright?” Monty whispered in her ear. Then, she moaned with more excitement.
“Yes. Please, don’t stop,” Candy responded.
The sweet sound of her voice made Monty hold her tighter. He kissed her, giving her more than he’d ever given any pawn, and it felt so good and so right to have her in his arms like that. He smiled because the feeling was so fresh and different for him. He was really enjoying it a little too much and it kind of scared him. He never thought Candy could make him feel that way, especially being so inexperienced, but he still gave it to her with every gentle stroke while she took as much as she could since the ‘hurt so good feeling’ made her body tingle all over.
Candy continued to moan and the noise she made was the sexiest sound to Monty’s ears, forcing him to really dive in a little deeper. And, with each timely stroke, he opened her up a little more while he enjoyed
the way she held him tight against her warm body. He continued to gently pat her insides until she came like no other.
She squealed as her body uncontrollably jerked a little, and the arousal made him explode. He couldn’t believe it. He had never done that before because he mastered the art of only busting when he was ready. The funny thing was, he wasn’t even ready. It just came, and, when it did, it came hard, but Candy couldn’t even tell it. She was still stunned at how he made her feel. She knew what it was like to have an orgasm on her own, but it was something totally different and much more exciting to experience one with Monty, which was something she always dreamed and wished for.
Monty rolled over on his side watching Candy, who was out of breath. She was still in shock that the whole affair had taken place. She had finally got what she’d waited so long for and it was as beautiful as she’d imagined it would be and better.
“Are you okay?” Monty asked, because for a change, Candy was quiet as a mouse.
“I’m better than alright. I’m feeling like I’m on top of the world. I’m having the best time of my life.” She smiled at him. I’m just glad he couldn’t tell I was a virgin, Candy thought to herself.
“I didn’t know you were a virgin,” Monty said as he really began to smile.
Damn, Candy thought. I thought I held my own pretty good, considering…
“It’s alright. You don’t have to look like that. It felt good to be your first and I’m very glad to have shared this moment with you. You are something else, I must say. And, I love it. I don’t know where we’ll go from here, but I hope it’s a secure and safe place for the both of us, because I’m digging you more than I planned to. That’s the truth,” Monty said as he played around Candy’s belly button with his fingertip. She giggled.
“You had me hooked the first time I ever laid my eyes on you and the night when you kissed me, was when you reeled me in. I’m yours if you want me. I’m glad that I got to share this moment with you, too, because honestly, I wasn’t having it no other way.” Candy leaned over and kissed Monty on his soft lips.