CheckMate (Play At Your Own Risk) Read online

Page 9

  “I’m glad you’ve always felt that way about me. I really am. If we keep it up like this, then you never know. We might end up a happily married couple someday,” Monty said as he smiled at Candy while thinking, I can’t believe that I just said that.

  “This is one of my wildest dreams come true and the best birthday of my life. You have really made me a happy woman tonight, and I hope that it’s not over, yet.” Candy slightly touched Monty’s dick. As soon as her fingers felt him, he hardened again and was ready for whatever, so they went for round two.

  The next morning, Candy woke up next to her prince charming, who was sleeping like a baby. She lay there as she watched him and became real giddy about his presence. She quietly rolled out of the bed and walked in the bathroom to freshen up before Monty awoke and caught her not there beside him. She brushed her teeth and washed her face. She then decided to just go ahead and take a nice, long, relaxing shower while he was asleep in her bed under her covers.

  I ain’t washing my sheets for a few months. I just want his scent to be there for as long as possible, Candy thought as she ran the shower water. She got in and smiled from the memories she had of her and Monty making love. She wet her sponge and began to wash all over as the hot water ran down her body. The bottom of her stomach hurt a little from the impact of such a big penis inside of her, however, she was still high off of the ‘hurt so good’ feeling. Just as Candy rinsed off, the shower curtains opened up and she looked right into Monty’s sexy face. He smiled at her.

  “Hey, baby, I see you got up and left me in the bed,” he said.

  “I just wanted to let you sleep. I didn’t wanna disturb you because you looked so peaceful,” Candy responded.

  “Well, I’m about to head on over to the crib, take a shower, and put on some clean clothes. I’ll call you later or you can call me. It doesn’t matter, but I would like to hear your voice as soon as possible.” Monty rubbed Candy slightly on her right breast then she stepped up a little bit and kissed him on the lips.

  Damn, I hate to see him leave so soon, but I don’t wanna seem all clingy and shit. “If you don’t call me in a little bit, then I’ll call you, okay? I hope we all can do something later. That’s if you’re not too busy.” Candy looked into Monty’s eyes.

  I want to spend time with you later, I do, but I can’t get all mushy now. I still got business to tend to, Monty thought. “We’ll see.”

  “That’s cool. Just let me know something as soon as you find out if you can or can’t chill later. That way, I’ll know if I need to plan something else.” Candy touched Monty’s face, softly leaving a damp feeling on his jaw.

  “I will.” He closed up the shower curtain and walked out the bathroom to leave.

  Alright, Candy, you got to compose yourself and not start flipping out. If he’s not able to chill tonight then it’s not the end of the world. Just hold tight. He’ll be back because he’s your soul mate. He just doesn’t know it yet, Candy counseled herself. She then got out of the shower and dried off.


  Chapter Eight

  Monty opened up his car door and got inside, thinking, Damn, I’d hate for another nigga to want Candy now. Being with her makes me feel like I got to protect her for some reason. I damn show don’t want no other nigga touching my goods. Damn, did I just say my goods? Why am I feeling this way? I don’t know. Maybe, it’s because I was the first one to break her in.

  He placed the key in the ignition and cranked it up, and then picked up his black CD book that was placed on his passenger’s seat. He flipped through it until he found Scarface. He put that into his player and bumped Diary as he looked over at Candy’s crib. His phone beeped, signaling a text message so Monty looked down at it.

  Did the chick in the orange wear you out last night? Cuz, if she didn’t, I will!!! Call me. Same deal. Paris

  Monty shook his head, and then pulled off. He began to think that he couldn’t let Candy get to him like that. He had to keep his mind tight and stay focused on making money so that he was able to move his mom and sister in the next couple of months. Then, just maybe then, he would have a little time to spend with Candy like he wanted to and like she would love for him to. He drove down Walton Way as he headed toward East Augusta. He finally pulled up in front of their apartment and sat for a moment as he continued to think about the events that had just taken place over night. He got out of his car feeling pretty good as he unlocked the front door of their crib and walked in.

  “Well, good morning, Monty,” said Catherine as he entered the house.

  “Oh, hey, Mama, I didn’t know you’d be up this early. How was work last night?” he asked while walking over and kissing Catherine on the cheek.

  “Work was very good last night. I got a promotion.” Catherine smiled.

  “Already! How did that happen?” Monty sat down beside his mother. “What will you be doing now?”

  “I’m going to be the assistant trainer. Do you remember Paris? She is the woman who you met that day when you dropped me off at work.”

  “I don’t know, Mama. I’m trying to think here.” Monty was trying to play it off like he didn’t remember her, even though she was one of the biggest freaks he knew.

  “You remember. She stayed out there in the parking lot that day talking to you after I got outta the car and went inside the building. She is the tall lady who looks like Naomi Campbell. You even said she looks like she should be on the cover of a magazine,” Catherine continued, trying her best to get Monty to know who she was talking about.

  “Oh yeah, I remember her now.” He acted like her face just popped up in his mind. That clingy ass bitch, Monty thought to himself as he sat there listening.

  “Yeah, well, she didn’t come to work last night and the trainer that was supposed to come in for her called in sick at the last minute. So, I was the only one brave enough to ask the manager if I could teach the training class because I’ve learned the system like that.” She snapped her fingers. “Long story short, I trained the class and they liked the way I handled myself. Then, the manager came in and asked me if would accept the job opening for the position that just so happened to be available, and I did.”

  “That’s good, Mama,” Monty replied. “I’m happy for you. How much will you be making now?”

  “I’ll be on salary now. That’s damn good! I got myself a quick raise,” Catherine explained, overjoyed about the promotion.

  “Dang, Mama, that’s some good news! I’m excited for you, and I’m very happy that you stepped up and proved yourself to those people. I knew you had it in you.” Monty got up and walked in the kitchen thinking about making love to Candy, who somehow had all of his attention. What the hell is wrong with me? Monty thought. I don’t know. I just like her, Monty continued as he scratches his head.

  “Monty,” Catherine called out. “Where is your sister at? She didn’t come home last night.”

  “She stayed over Candy’s house. I think she is going to be there the whole weekend,” he responded, and then began to fix a bowl of Captain Crunch.

  “That’s what I figured after she told me that they were going to party the whole weekend. Well, I don’t go back to work until Monday and I’m glad I’ll be working on first shift, now. Thank God for that.” Catherine got up off of the sofa and walked into the kitchen where Monty was sitting.

  “I’m very happy for you, Mama. I wanted to tell you that you can go ahead and look for us a nicer place in a much better neighborhood. We’ll be able to afford it now. I mean, with your promotion and my gig, and then it’s all good,” Monty said.

  “Speaking of your new gig, what is it exactly that you do, Monty? I see you’ve been leaving fifty and hundred dollar bills on my dresser more each day. Don’t get me wrong, because I ain’t complaining, but just promise me that you’re not selling drugs. That’s all I wanna know.”

  “I’m not selling drugs.” Monty seriously looked into Catherine’s eyes. “You don’t ever have to worry about me selli
ng drugs to no one. That ain’t something I’m into.”

  “Well, I found a big plastic bag full of reefer under your bed when I was looking for something. What is that all about?”

  “What do you mean, what’s that all about? Why are you snooping all in my room?” Monty asked, trying his best not to get angry.

  “I wasn’t snooping in your damn room. I was looking for something.”

  “Looking for what?” Monty continued as he stared her down.

  “Umm, I was looking for the remote control. Yeah, the remote… You know how you’ll take it in your room and forget about it. Then, we have to be all up in there looking for it because we can’t turn the goddamn TV.” Catherine acted as if Monty had really upset her so he wouldn’t continue to ask her why she was been probing in his room.

  “Yeah, right, Mama. If that’s what you say. But, the reefer,” said Monty, mocking his mama, “is my own personal stash. Just so you know now and don’t question me later. I love smoking reefer and I get my own stash so I don’t have to keep messing around with these snitching haters who might just get the wrong idea about what it is that I do, because selling drugs ain’t it.” Monty continued to eat his cereal.

  “Well, good! That’s all I needed to hear. I’m happy to know you’re not a drug dealer. I don’t care to know what it is that you do, but just be careful running in them streets because the streets can be a very dangerous place to be.” She turned and walked out of the kitchen, and then headed down the hallway. “I’m about to take a shower and relax in the crib all day, and I’ll start looking for a new place in the want ads, The Augusta Chronicle, and online. I was ready to leave this crib like four years ago. Do you even know how much money you’ve left on my dresser?”

  “Naw, I just put it up there when I have it,” Monty responded while putting his bowl in the sink then rinsing it out.

  “Well, I’ve saved it up in a shoe box that I sat in the top of my closet. It’s forty-three hundred already.”

  “Oh yeah, well, that’ll be a good down payment on a nicer crib, so that’s what you do today while you’re off, okay. Look for someplace else for us to stay.” Monty smiled from knowing that his extracurricular activities were really started paying off.

  Monty was thrilled to know his mom had saved up all that money and they could move soon. He began to think about all the women he’d fucked for such a large fee and how he really did enjoy his line of work. Candy has that good, freshwater pearl, he thought. But, that shit ain’t paying my bills. She’s just gonna have to understand that. Monty walked down the hallway into his bedroom and sat on the side of his bed. He pulled his zip lock bag of weed out from under his bed and took out just enough to roll a nice sized blunt. He then laid back as he relaxed with all kinds of thoughts floating in his mind. He sat up and got a cigarillo from out of the nightstand drawer beside his bed, then broke down his plant and rolled up a fat blunt. He sat it on his nightstand for when he was ready to leave the house. He then grabbed a clean pair of boxer shorts from his dresser drawer along with a white T-shirt as he was preparing to shower up. Just as he turned to walk out of the room, his phone beeped. He picked it up off of the bed and read.

  Can you make it here in less than an hour? I got a $1000… Paris

  That Paris is a trip, Monty thought, and just as he was about to throw his phone back over on the bed, it beeped again with another message.

  I miss u already… Candy Gurl

  Monty started smiling from ear to ear, then texted her back with something he never did.

  I miss u 2… Mo Money

  Monty walked in the bathroom just as his mom was coming out of her bedroom ready to take her shower.

  “Damn, Monty, you heard me say that I was about to take a shower.” Catherine was prepared to go into the bathroom.

  “Come on, Mama, I got some place I need to be in less than an hour.” Monty closed the door behind him and locked it.

  “Monty, I’ma kick your ass. You know you ain’t too big for me to put my foot up your ass, don’t you?” Catherine yelled from the other side of the door.

  “Whatever!” Monty put his cell phone on the sink, and then smiled while looking at himself in the mirror. He grabbed his toothbrush along with the toothpaste and he got into the hot shower. Paris, Monty said to himself, thinking about the stack that she had for him. I’ll be over there as soon as I’m finished.

  Candy walked into the guest room where Mona was still sleeping. She sat on the bed next to her, and then tickled at her nose lightly with the end of a paper towel that she used to dry her hands off. Mona smiled in her sleep as Candy continued to bother her. Mona then moved a little before jumping up in her sleep and slapping her nose hard.

  “Ow! That shit hurt. I thought a spider or something was crawling on me.” Mona was upset that Candy was messing with her while she slept.

  “Quit being a big baby, sleepy head. You may as well wake up because I ain’t leaving outta here until you do.” Candy smiled at Mona, who looked like she had a major hangover.

  “Give me thirty more minutes, please!” Mona begged. “I didn’t get any sleep last night fooling around with Rico’s ass.”

  “Did y’all do the damn thang?” Candy asked as she was anxious to find out.

  “No. Rico was a real gentleman. And, even though I wanted to fuck him, he decided that maybe we should hold off until I’m more aware of what’s going on. Hell, I thought I was aware, but obviously I wasn’t because I woke up here and I don’t even remember coming in here.” She was looking around.

  “Yeah, I see my key on the nightstand now. I guess he just brought you in here, laid you down, and left. I wonder how he knew what bedroom was what?”

  “I don’t know, but he did. I’m glad. I like him, though, and this only makes me like him more.” Mona rolled over in the bed, acting like she was trying to go back to sleep. “Well, did you do the damn thang?” Mona asked. She was being very nosy, too.

  “Yep, I did!” Candy exclaimed while being so excited about having slept with Monty. “It was great! He was the best. And, I really enjoyed myself to the fullest degree.” Candy smiled uncontrollably.

  “I see. With a smile like that, I knew he had tapped that ass. I bet you’re sitting on top of the world, aren’t you?” Mona asked. She could see the joy all over Candy’s face.

  “Yeah, I am. I’m really enjoying being with him like that.”

  “What do you mean being with him like that? Did Monty decide that he wants you to be his girlfriend?” Mona asked as she was shocked if he did.

  “No, I didn’t say that, but we both had a good long talk and we’ve decided to see how far things will go between the two of us, and, if that be the case, I guess he’ll be my man after that.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’re not expecting anything too soon from Monty because he could possibly end up breaking your heart,” Mona said as she began to yawn with her mouth wide open.

  “Oh, close your mouth with all that. Anyway, your best friend is no fool, and even though I’m crazy about Monty and always have been, doesn’t mean I’m psycho over him or that I’m vulnerable like that to let him hurt me, because I’m not. Trust me, I know what type of man Monty is and I know I have to protect my own feelings from unexpected things that could and would hurt me if I knew about it to the fullest. I love him, I do, but I ain’t about to get my feelings hurt like that. Not right now. I’m taking things as slow as he is, and when he decides to come around, I’ll be here. And, if he decides otherwise…” Well, I’m hoping that he won’t, Candy thought quickly. “Then, I’m woman enough to handle his decision.”

  “You go, Candy Gurl. That’s what I like to hear but, honestly, I would love to see you and Monty together like that because y’all look so cute sitting next to each other and I can tell that it’s something about you that he’s digging. Maybe it is meant for us to be sisters after all.” Mona made herself get out of the bed.

  “Aw! That’s so sweet. You’re so sweet and I’m gla
d that you got your ass outta bed because we have a long day ahead of us. We’re getting out on the town and let’s just do whatever’s clever. I guess I’ll check with Monty later to see if he’s down for something tonight, then we can figure out what we’ll do and where we’ll go from there.” Candy walked out of the room and Mona followed behind her.

  “Hey, let me get a toothbrush. My mouth feels dry as hell and I need something to kill this lil’ man that fell asleep in the back of my throat making my shit all hot and tart.” Mona laughed.

  “That is a little too much information.” Candy handed Mona a new toothbrush out of the linen closet. “Hurry up and take a shower. I’m about to get dressed now so we can go.”

  After Monty took a shower and got dressed, he hurriedly left the house to head over to Paris’ place. He pulled up quickly as he couldn’t wait to get the stack in his hands. He was glad her husband was in the Navy and was stationed out of town for a year, but hated that the only back-up plan she wanted was him. He’d rather it be someone else in the picture, too. That way, she didn’t focus all her energy on him. So, he thought of something right quick before getting out of his car.

  I’ll have my man, Rico, approach her the same way I did and get her to be interested in him, too. That way she won’t focus entirely on me. I know him. He’ll be down for the cause even if she doesn’t pay him any money. I know that she’ll like him, too, because Rico is straight. All the women be on his jock. He’ll also love her long, sexy ass legs and that good pearl she got. I just know he will. I’ma call him as soon as I leave here, Monty pondered as he turned off his car and got out. He walked up and rang the doorbell just as the door opened up.

  “It’s about time you made it here.” Paris immediately pulled him in by his shirt. She shut the front door and got straight down on her knees, and then yanked him close to her while unbuckling his belt and pulling his pants down. She began to give him some serious head. Monty stood there as she was sucking him dry. His eyes rolled back in his head and he was feeling the energy that she was giving him to fuck her good. She slobbered on, sucked, and teased his dick until he nutted in her mouth. She then stood up, wiping her mouth off as she smiled.